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Section 3 and Section 15 Grazing Permits 
A grazing permit is the authorization to graze a specific number and class of livestock on a designated grazing area for a specified amount of time. (Section 3 of the Taylor Grazing Act)
A grazing lease is the authorization to graze livestock on public lands outside of the grazing district for a specified period of time. (Section 15 of the Taylor Grazing Act)
Distribution of Grazing Receipts
Inside Grazing Districts--Taylor Grazing Act, Section 3                             
50% to BLM Range Improvement Fund              
37.5 % to Treasury General Fund                         
12.5% to State    
Outside Grazing Districts--Taylor Grazing Act, Section 15
50% to BLM Range Improvement Fund
50% to State                       
Grazing Receipts Paid to Nevada by Fiscal Year (Oct. 1 to Sept. 30):
2006    $ 291,100
2005    $ 268,336  
2004    $ 234,162
2003    $ 220,297
2002    $ 260,141
2001    $ 255,392
2000    $ 271,100
1999    $ 289,400
1998    $ 272,000
1997    $ 275,700
1996    $ 280,300
1995    $ 297,300
The Nevada Revised Statues at NRS 568 establishes the allowable use of funds paid to the State.

Last updated: 03-03-2007