Carson City District


This webpage is provided as a source of information on the planning documents for the BLM-Carson City District Office, which administers 5.3 million acres of Federal public lands in western Nevada & portions of eastern California.

The list to the right are Resource Management Plans and Amendments completed by the BLM-Carson City District Office. Environmental Assessments (EAs) & Environmental Impact Statements (EISs) developed by this office can be accessed by clicking on NEPA Documents-Carson City District Office.

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CCFO Resource Management Plans & Amendments:

Draft Pinenut Mountains RMP Amendment & EIS (Tabled Until FY2010)

Denton-Rawhide Mine RMP Amendment & EA (2007)

Alpine County (CA) RMP Amendment & EA (2007)

Carson City Consolidated Resource Management Plan (2001)

North Douglas County Specific Plan Amendment (2001)

Final Southern Washoe County Urban Interface Plan Amendment (2001)

BLM/Navy Resource Management Plan Amendment for Certain Federal Lands in Churchill County, Nevada & Environmental Assessment (2001)

BLM-Carson City Field Office Fire Management Plan