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Morbility and Mortality Weekly Report Web Site Link
Synopsis for February 22, 2007

The MMWR is embargoed until Thursday, 12 PM EST.

  1. Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy Associated with Exposure to Gadolinium-Containing Contrast Agents – St. Louis, 2002-2006
  2. Blood Donor Screening for Chagas Disease – United States 2006-2007
  3. Measles among Adults Associated with Adoption of Children in China – California, Missouri, and Washington, July-August 2006
There is no MMWR Telebriefing scheduled for February 23, 2007

Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy Associated with Exposure to Gadolinium-Containing Contrast Agents – St. Louis, 2002-2006

PRESS CONTACT: CDC - Division of Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

MRI contrast agents containing gadolinium are potentially dangerous to people with advanced kidney disease. Use of these agents should be avoided in this group of people except when medically necessary. Nephrogenic Fibrosing Dermopathy (NFD) is a condition that occurs in some people with kidney disease. NFD is characterized by thickening and hardening of the skin and can lead to joint immobility and significant disability in affected persons. The CDC along with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services and local physicians in St. Louis, Missouri evaluated one of the largest groups of these patients identified in order to determine risk factors for the development of NFD. In this study, having a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) test with gadolinium contrast was the biggest risk factor for the development of NFD. Due to this finding, CDC recommends that MRIs with gadolinium-contrast be avoided in people with advanced kidney disease.

Blood Donor Screening for Chagas Disease – United States 2006-2007

PRESS CONTACT: CDC - Division of Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

Screening blood donations for Chagas disease will make the US blood supply even safer. People who test positive should seek medical attention for this potentially life-threatening disease. A new test for screening blood donations for Chagas disease is now available and will further improve the safety of the United States blood supply. Chagas disease is a potentially life-threatening disease which can be transmitted through blood transfusions. Most people with Chagas disease became infected in Mexico, Central or South America, and are generally unaware that they are infected. People with Chagas disease are encouraged to consult health-care providers for medical care. Information regarding Chagas disease is available at

Measles among Adults Associated with Adoption of Children in China – California, Missouri, and Washington, July-August 2006

PRESS CONTACT: CDC - Division of Media Relations
(404) 639-3286

It is increasingly rare to see certain vaccine-preventable diseases in this country, especially in adults. Therefore, healthcare providers often do not consider these diseases in their differential diagnoses. It is common for people to be concerned about “exotic” diseases they might be exposed to but travelers and health care providers should maintain vigilance in ensuring that travelers are properly immunized against the same vaccine-preventable diseases that we routinely immunize against here in the United States (measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, polio and influenza).


Department of Health and Human Services

Content Source: Office of Enterprise Communication
Page last modified: February 15, 2007