USDA Forest Service

Logo of the FERA research teamFire and Environmental Research Applications Team


Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory

400 N 34th Street, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 732-7800

Logo of the Pacific Northwest Research Station

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

USDA Link Forest Service Link


Contact Us

You may contact us by postal mail, phone, or email. Individual team member contact information can be found on our Staff/Personnel webpage.

Send postal mail to:

USDA Forest Service
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory
400 N 34th Street, Suite 201
Seattle WA 98103

(206) 732-7800


Directories are also available for the Pacific Northwest Reseach Station and the entire Forest Service.

USDA Forest Service - PNW- FERA
Last Modified: Tuesday, 12 September 2006 at 15:38:43 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.