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Audit Reports

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Audit Reports

TIGTA's Audit Reports review and recommend improvements on all aspects of the IRS's administration of the tax system.

TIGTA Audit Reports are provided in two formats. Complete Reports are provided in Adobe® Portable Document Format (PDF). The PDF versions are identical to the printed Reports.

Audit Highlights documents are included for each report beginning in Fiscal Year 2007. These documents contain a brief summary of the report contents and contain a link to the full report.

Audit Reports are also provided in HTML format. HTML documents are formatted differently than the printed Reports, but contain all information from the Reports except for the IRS responses, footnotes, and some charts. HTML documents load very quickly and require no additional software to view. Some Audit Reports were issued without IRS responses. Responses that were received subsequent to the final Reports are included as separate PDF documents.

Reports noted as PDF require a special plugin. To obtain a free reader for this format, please visit the Adobe® web site at:

Audit Report Spotlight

Audit Hot Topics
Accuracy of volunteer tax returns improved but better controls are needed

Limits on the number of examinations reduce the effectiveness of the Earned Income Tax Credit recertification Program

The IRS and contractors are generally following Private Debt Collection Payment Program procedures, but improvements are needed

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Last Updated: August 01, 2008
IRS Treasury eGov USAGov: U.S. Government Web Portal Regulations