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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Why is CLSS needed?
Colorado's livestock industry contributes successfully to global commerce and with that comes a greater need to trace livestock emergencies quickly and efficiently.  Whether it's a state or international issue, CDA is committed to protecting this valuable industry, and CLSS is a key tool in that success.


What is the difference between CLSS and NAIS?
CLSS is a Colorado-based system while NAIS is a federal system through the United States Department of Agriculture. 
CLSS integrates existing state livestock data to coordinate an efficient emergency response while NAIS would provide valuable information, specifically during a multi-state animal disease outbreak.  


Why do I need CLSS if I already have a brand for my livestock?
Colorado's brand inspection program protects livestock owners from loss of animals
due to theft, straying, or misappropriation.
CLSS will protect Colorado's livestock in the event of an all-hazards emergency.
Only 17 states have brand inspection laws.
CLSS can help during a national emergency, can garner state and federal assistance, and can gather information from a variety of sources.


How do I participate?
Protecting your livestock and investments is easy.  If you own livestock in Colorado and own a brand, export or import cattle, participate in NAIS, or test your animals for disease, you are participating in this system.  CLSS coordinates all of that information for use in an emergency response effort.


Who has access to my information?
CDA is developing an Information Assurance Program which means your information will only be accessed during an animal emergency by CDA animal health officials.