USDA Forest Service

Logo of the FERA research teamFire and Environmental Research Applications Team


Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory

400 N 34th Street, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 732-7800

Logo of the Pacific Northwest Research Station

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Fuel Treatment Effectiveness

Evaluating the effectiveness of various forest and range fuel types is essential to effectively and efficiently managing forests to sustain natural resources and ecosystems over time while simultaneously reducing the fire hazard to human developments. FERA has projects at the local and regional scales to study various aspects of this issue.


The PNW Research Station has a website dedicated to postfire forest management


"Managing Forests After Fire" discuses the interaction between fire and its patterns across a forest, forests after fire, and postfire management of forests. This is a short, basic review of the state-of-the-science today. 12 pages.
Full text [.pdf]

"Guide to Fuel Treatments in Dry Forests of the Western United States: Assessing Forest Structure and Fire Hazard" analyzes a range of fuel treatments for representative dry forest stands in the Western United States with overstories dominated by ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir, and pinyon pine. This guidebook features stand visualizations of various treatments, and accompanying fuels data.
Abstract and full text [.html]
Order a printed copy of PNW-GTR-686 [.html]

"Forest Structure and Fire Hazard in Dry Forests of the Western United States" synthesizes the relevant scientific knowledge that can assist fuel-treatment treatment projects on national forests and public lands.
Abstract and full text

"A Consumer Guide: Tools to Manage Vegetation and Fuels " provides a state-of-science summary of tools currently available for management of vegetation and fuels. Detailed summaries include a description of each tool, location where it can be obtained, relevant spatial scale, level of user knowledge required, data requirements, model outputs, application in fuel treatments, linkage to other tools, and availibity of training and support.
Abstract and full text [.html]

"Managing Forest Structure and Fire Hazard -- A Tool for Planners" is a journal article describing the "Guide to Fuel Treatments in Dry Forests of the Western United States (see above). Morris Johnson, David L. Peterson, and Crystal Raymond published this in the Journal of Forestry.
Abstract [.html] and full text [.pdf ]

Science-Based Strategic Planning for Hazardous Fuel Treatment -- A 5-page outline of a process for planning hazardous fuel treatments which takes into consideration the multiple objectives and responsibilities of land managers. Dave Peterson and Morris Johnson prepared this article for Fire Management Today as a short work complementing the Guide to Fuel Treatments in Dry Forests of the Western United States.
Full text [.pdf]


Cedar River Fire Hazard Analysis and Fuel Decomposition

Do Fuel Treatments Reduce Fire Severity? Evaluating Treatment Effectiveness in the 2006 Tripod Fire

Fuel Treatments in Dry Western Forests

Applied Wildland Fire Research in Support of Project Level Hazardous Fuels Planning


U.S. Forest Service - PNW- FERA
Last Modified: Thursday, 26 June 2008 at 12:01:45 EDT

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