USDA Forest Service

Logo of the FERA research teamFire and Environmental Research Applications Team


Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team
Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory

400 N 34th Street, Suite 201
Seattle, WA 98103

(206) 732-7800

Logo of the Pacific Northwest Research Station

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

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Fire and Climatic Variability in the Pacific Northwest:
Integrating Science and Management

GIS map of fire years in Swauk Creek study areaFERA developed a multi-scale analysis of the relationships between climate, topography, and spatio-temporal patterns in historical fire regimes in the inland Pacific Northwest. We used existing fire history data from six watersheds on the Okanogan-Wenatchee and Colville National Forests. Clear differences in fire regimes between the historical period (1650-1900) and the period after initiation of fire suppression in the region (after 1900) were documented.


Kellogg, Lara-Karena B.; McKenzie, Donald; Peterson, David L.; Hessl, Amy E. 2008. Spatial models for inferring topographic controls on historical low-severity fire in the eastern Cascade Range of Washington, USA. Landscape Ecology. 23: 227-240.
Abstract [.html] Full text limited access[.html]

The Fire-Climate Connection
Joint Fire Science Program. 2007. Fire Science Digest. 1(October). 12 p.
Full text [.pdf]

Final Report to the Joint Fire Science Program [.pdf]

Drought and Pacific Decadal Oscillation Linked to Fire Occurrence in the Inland Pacific Northwest -- Hessl, Amy E.; McKenzie, Don; Schellhaas, Richard. 2004. Ecological Applications. 14(2): 425-442.
Abstract [.html] Full-text [.pdf 652kb]

Using Neutral Models to Identify Constraints on Low-Severity Fire Regimes -- McKenzie, Donald; Hessl, Amy E.; Kellogg, Lara-Karena B. 2006. Landscape Ecology. 21:139-152.
Abstract and full text [.html]

Quantifying Spatial Structure Associated with Low Severity Fire Regimes in the Eastern Cascade Mountains of Washington, USA. Kellogg, Lara-Karena B. 2004. M.S. Thesis. Seattle, WA: University of Washington. Abstract [.html].

Team Lead: Don McKenzie


Logo of the Joint Fire Science ProgramWe acknowledge funding provided by the Joint Fire Science Program under Project JFSP 01-1-6-01.

U.S. Forest Service - PNW- FERA
Last Modified: Thursday, 26 June 2008 at 11:57:21 EDT

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