Latest News

Light and Electrons Cooperate
September 16, 2008
electric field surrounding nanoscale gold strips New understanding of communication between surface plasmons and excitons could improve solar cells and speed up electronic and optical devices.
Gray arrow Article:  Focus

Cut the Cord
September 16, 2008
Wireless power could help us to say goodbye to the power cable and charge anything simply by walking into a room.
Gray arrow Article:  The Engineer

Solar Power From Satellites
September 15, 2008
Testing technology that could one day be used to transmit solar energy from satellites to Earth.
Gray arrow Article:  Discover Magazine

Gut Instinct Math
September 15, 2008
Mathematicians and physicists often play games in which they try to figure out the approximate answer to problems like how many piano tuners are there in Chicago. . .
Gray arrow Article:  New York Times

White Roofs Could Offset Warming
September 14, 2008
If the 100 biggest cities in the world installed white roofs and changed their pavement to more reflective materials the global cooling effect would be massive.
Gray arrow Article:  Baltimore Sun

Stemming Global Warming with an Artificial Volcano
September 8, 2008
Atmospheric physicist John Latham proposes mimicking a massive volcanic eruption could reduce global warming.
Gray arrow Article:  Scientific American

Evidence of a Planetary Collision
September 7, 2008
A pair of stars shrouded in a cloud of debris aren't part of a newly forming solar system, but are witnesses to a massive planetary dust-up.
Gray arrow Article:  ABC News

Energy Future  = Think Efficiency

Landmark Energy Report

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APS is launching a landmark report to identify America’s most effective energy saving strategies.

Energy Future: Think Efficiency differs from other energy efficiency reports in its emphasis on scientific and technological options and analysis. Based on emerging technologies, this report targets which research and development gives America the best return for its dollars.

The Energy Future: Think Efficiency examines and answers what works now, what can work soon, and what is feasible for the future.

Gray arrow  Energy Future: Think Efficiency
Gray arrow  Executive Summary
Gray arrow  Study Group Members

Energy Future Press Conference

Briefing on Report's Findings

Washington, D.C. – APS held a press conference at the National Press Club, Tuesday, September 16, to announce and explain Energy Future: Think Efficiency. Report study members, Nobel Laureate Burton Richter, (Stanford - Panel Chair), David Goldston (Harvard - Vice Chair), and Michael Lubell (APS and CCNY), spoke briefly and answered questions.

Gray arrow  Report Press Room
Gray arrow  Press Release

Energy Report press conference roomBy Brian Mosley/APS 

Addressing reporters and guests, at front of the room, from left to right, are David Goldston, Burton Richter, and Michael Lubell (standing).


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Gender Equity Report

Doubling Women in Physics

The Gender Equity Report contains recommendations for doubling the number of women and under-represented minorities in physics by 2022.

Gray arrow  Gender Equity Report