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A to Z Index of the Science Reference Services Web Site

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About Science Reference Services
About Technical Reports and Standards
Abstracts & Indexes in Electronic Format, Science & Technology Related (also full text products, available only on Library of Congress premises)
Abstracts & Indexing Services in Print Format
Addicition, The Science of: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Adventure/Ecological/Learning Vacations - Science Reference Guide
Adventure Vacations - Science Reference Guide
Aerodynamics (Mechanics of Flight) - Science Tracer Bullet
Aeronautics/Astronautics - Selected Internet Resources
Aeronautics, Astronautics - Science Reference Guide
Aeronautics: A Selected Bibliography -- Books used in preparing Aeronautical and Astronautical Resources of the Library of Congress: A Comprehensive Guide - Science Reference Guide
African American Health and Wellness - Selected Reading List - Science Reference Guide
African Americans in Science and Technology - Selected Internet Resources (Updated Feb. 2005)
African Americans in Science, Selected Exhibit Reading List: February 2005 - Science Reference Guide
African-American Science Books for Young Readers - Science Tracer Bullet
African American Women in the Military and at War: Selected Reading List - Science Reference Guide
African American Women in the Sciences and Related Disciplines - Science Tracer Bullet
Aircraft - Science Tracer Bullet
Alternate Fuel Vehicles and Combustion Process - Science Tracer Bullet
Alzheimer's Disease - Science Tracer Bullet
American Confections: Selected Titles on the Art of Confectionery, 1825-1938 - Science Reference Guide
Animal Welfare, Companion Animals and Veterinary Science - Selected Internet Resources
The Annus Mirabilis of Albert Einstein - Science Reference Guide
How high can a nine-banded armadillo jump into the air? - Everyday Mysteries
Asbestos and Asbestosis - Science Tracer Bullet
Astronomy and Astrophysics - Science Tracer Bullet
Astronomy for Schools, Selected Teaching Aids - Science Reference Guide
Astronomy - Selected Internet Resources
Astronomy, Women in: A Comprehensive Bibliography - Bibliography
Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Science Tracer Bullet
Australia - Foreign Technical Reports Collection in TRS - Technical Reports and Standards Guide
Who invented the automobile? - Everyday Mysteries
Automotive Safety - Science Tracer Bullet
Autumn, The Nature & Science of: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) - Selected Internet Resources



Balloons and Airships - Science Tracer Bullet
Batteries, Supercapacitors, and Fuel Cells - Science Tracer Bullet
Why do bats live in caves? - Everyday Mysteries
BBQ History: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Which is the largest bear on Earth? - Everyday Mysteries
Beauty, The Science of - Science Reference Guide
Bees, Pollination and Climate Change: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Beer and Brewing: A Guide to selected resources - Science Reference Guide


Biodiversity - Science Tracer Bullet
Bioethics - Science Reference Guide
Biographical Sources in the Sciences -- General Works and National Sources - Science Tracer Bullet
Biographical Sources in the Sciences -- Life, Earth and Physical Science (1989-2006) - Science Tracer Bullet
Biography - Selected Internet Resources
Biology, Science Projects in - Science Tracer Bullet
Biospehere, Human Impacts on the - Science Reference Guide
Bird Flu, (Avian Influenza) - Selected Internet Resources
Are black-eyed peas really peas? - Everyday Mysteries
Blacks in the Sciences and Related Disciplines - Science Tracer Bullet
Why do boomerangs return when you throw them? - Everyday Mysteries
Botany - Selected Internet Resources
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) or Mad Cow Disease: Links to Information - Selected Internet Resources
The Brain - Science Tracer Bullet
The Brass Doors of the John Adams Building - East Side
The Brass Doors of the John Adams Building - West Side
Breast Cancer - Science Tracer Bullet
Butterfly - Migration of the Monarch Butterfly - Selected Internet Resources
What is the difference between a butterfly and a moth? - Everyday Mysteries



Calendar of Events
How much water does a camel's hump hold? - Everyday Mysteries
Can you tell the temperature by listening to the chirp of a cricket?- Everyday Mysteries
Can zebras be domesticated?- Everyday Mysteries
Career Opportunities in Science and Technology - Science Tracer Bullet
Chemistry - Selected Internet Resources
Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) - Selected Internet Resources
Chemical and Biological Warfare (CBW) - Science Tracer Bullet
Chemical Elements, Identifying, Overview Resources - Science Reference Guide
Chemical Exposure: Technology, Safety and Risk Assessment - Science Tracer Bullet
Chemical Industry Directories and Buyers' Guides - Science Reference Guide
Chemical and Physics Experiments and Demonstrations: Selected Resources For Students - Science Reference Guide
Chemical and Physics Experiments and Demonstrations: Selected Resources For Teachers - Science Reference Guide
Chemistry and Physics Experiments: Selected Resources for Science Teachers and Students - Science Reference Guide
The Chemical Rubber Project - Technical Reports and Standards
Cherry Blossoms - Selected Internet Resources (March 25, 2005)
Children's Gardens: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Chocolate: A Resource Guide - Science Reference Guide
Chocolate, Cooking With: A Valentine's Day Exhibit - Science Reference Guide
Cicadas, 17-Year Periodical, (2004) - Selected Internet Resources
Civic Engineering: Public Works / Infrastructure - Science Tracer Bullet
Climate and Weather - Selected Internet Resources
Cold Regions Bibliography- Bibliographies
Computers and Computing - Selected Internet Resources
Computer Crime and Security - Science Tracer Bullet
The Collections
Collections, Technical Reports
Container Gardening: A Short Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Cooking With Chocolate: A Valentine's Day Exhibit - Science Reference Guide
Correspondence Policy & Contact Information
Can you tell the temperature by listening to the chirp of a cricket? - Everyday Mysteries
The Crisis in Science Education - Science Tracer Bullet
Cryptology - Science Tracer Bullet
Cybercasts - See Webcasts
Current Journal List (Current Journals, print copies, available in the Science Reference area of the Science and Business Reading Room)



Desalination - Science Tracer Bullet
Diabetes Mellitus - Science Tracer Bullet
Digital Photography - Science Tracer Bullet
Dinosaurs - Science Tracer Bullet
Disasters, Natural - Science Reference Guide
Division Overview
Document Delivery in Science & Technology, Quick Guide to
Dolphins - Science Tracer Bullet
Duke, James A.: LC Science Librarians' Favorites:A Potpourri of Books by James A. Duke - Science Reference Guide
Dyslexia - Science Tracer Bullet



Earth Day - Science Reference Guide
Earth Decade Reading List
Earth's Water Cycle and Climate Change: Reading List - Science Reference Guide
Earthquake and Earthquake Engineering - Science Tracer Bullet
Edible Wild Plants - Science Tracer Bullet
Edible Wild Plants - Science Reference Guide
Is it possible to fry an egg on the street if it's hot enough? - Everyday Mysteries
Electric Power - A Tracer Bit (Brief Tracer Bullet)
Electric Vehicles - Science Tracer Bullet
How does static electricity work? - Everyday Mysteries
Electronic Research Tools (abstract, index and full-text databases available only on Library of Congress premises)
Engineering - Selected Internet Resources
The Engineering Profession:
   What is Engineering?
   Engineering Education
   Engineering in history
   Engineering Libraries
   Engineering Practice, Ethics, and Licensing
   Engineering Societies & Organizations
   Identifying and Locating Materials Related to Engineering
   Selected Internet Resources in Engineering
Environment - Selected Internet Resources
Environmental Sciences - Science Subject Guide
Environmental Science Projects - Science Tracer Bullet
Ethnobotany of the Americas - Science Tracer Bullet
Eprints: Quick Guide to Open-Access Archives in Science, Technology & Medicine - Selected Internet Resources Extraterrestrial Life - Science Tracer Bullet
Events Calendar

Everyday Mysteries: Fun Science Facts from the Library of Congress



Why don't I fall out when a roller coaster goes upside down? - Everyday Mysteries
Why do fingers and toes wrinkle in the bathtub? - Everyday Mysteries
First Mass Military Inoculation, George Washington and the - John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress
The Flat Earth and its Advocates: A List of References - Science Reference Guide
Fragrant Gardens, Sanctuary Gardens and Evening Gardens - Science Reference Guide
How long is the life span of a flea? - Everyday Mysteries
What is the largest flower in the world? - Everyday Mysteries
What is the smallest flower in the world? - Everyday Mysteries
Food History - Science Tracer Bullet
Food History, Women's History and: New Ways of Seeing American Life - A Selection Books Displayed during the Barbara Harber Lecture - Science Reference Guide
Food Writing - A Resource Guide - Science Reference Guide
Foreign Technical Reports Collection in TRS: Italy - Technical Reports and Standards Guide
Foreign Technical Reports Collection in TRS: Australia - Technical Reports and Standards Guide
What is freezer burn? - Everyday Mysteries
From the From the Manhattan Project to Chernobyl: A Guide to Exhibted Materials - Science Reference Guide (August 2005)



Gardening, Horticulture and - Science Reference Guide
Gardening in the Shade - A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Gardening - Selected Internet Resources
Gardening: Selected Exhibit Reading List - Science Reference Guide
Gardening - Science Tracer Bullet
Gardens, Children's: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Gardens, Fragment - Science Reference Guide
Gardening, Container: A Short Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Gardening, School: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Gardening, School Activities: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Gastronomy Works in the Rare Books and Special Collections Divsion - Science Reference Guide
Why do geese fly in a "V"? - Everyday Mysteries
General Resources In Science & Technology - Selected Internet Resource
Genome Project, Human (historical) - Science Reference Guide
Geology - Selected Internet Resources
George Washington and the First Mass Military Inoculation - John W. Kluge Center at the Library of Congress
Geothermal Energy - Science Tracer Bullet
Global Warming & Climate Change - Science Tracer Bullet
What is a GPS? How does it work? - Everyday Mysteries
How did the grapefruit get its name? It doesn’t look like a grape. - Everyday Mysteries
Green Roofs - Science Tracer Bullet
The Gun That Won the West - The Winchester Rifle - Science Reference Guide



Why does hair turn gray? - Everyday Mystery
Halocarbons and the Stratospheric Ozone Layer - Science Tracer Bullet
Health/Medical Information - Selected Internet Resources
Health and Medical Information, locating - Science Reference Guide
Health and Wellness, African American - Selected Reading List - Science Reference Guide
High Speed Rail Transportation - Science Tracer Bullet
Hispanic Americans in Science and Technology, National Hispanic Heritage Month 2005
History, BBQ: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Referene Guide
The History of Household Techology - Science Trarcer bullet
The History of Technology - Science Tracer Bullet
HIV/AIDS - Science Tracer Bullet
Hog Heaven: 100 Years of the Harley-Davidson
Hollow-Earth Theories: A List of References - Science Reference Guide
Horticulture and Gardening - Science Reference Guide
Horticlutre, Women in - Science Reference Guide
Home Maintenance, Repair & Improvement - Science Tracer Bullet
Household Technology, History of - Science Tracer Bullet
Household Technology, The History of with Constance Carter, Head of the Science Reference Section at the Library of Congress - Journey & Crossings Webcast
How did the grapefruit get its name? It doesn’t look like a grape.-Everyday Mysteries
How does an hourglass measure time? - Everyday Mysteries
How does static electricity work? - Everyday Mysteries
How does sunscreen work? - Everyday Mysteries
How much water does a camel's hump hold? - Everyday Mysteries
How high can a nine-banded armadillo jump into the air? - Everyday Mysteries
How is the light of a lighthouse magnified so that it can be seen many miles out at sea? - Everyday Mysteries
How long is the life span of a flea? - Everyday Mysteries
Human Impacts on the Biospehere - Science Reference Guide
Human Evolution - Science Tracer Bullet
Human Genome Project (historical) - Science Reference Guide
Hurricanes: Selected Resources in Science - Science Reference Guide
Hurricane Isabel
Why is it hot in the summer and cold in the winter? - Everyday Mysteries



Ice Cream - Selected Internet Resources
Images - Government Resources for Science Images - Selected Internet Resoruces
Index to Scientist & Engineers Bibliographical File
Influenza, Avian (Bird Flu) - Selected Internet Resources
Informed Consent - Selected Internet Resources
Informed Consent (Medical Law) - Selected Internet Resources
Infrastructure and Public Works - Science Tracer Bullet
Integrated Pest Management - Science Tracer Bullet
Intelligent Transportation Systems - Science Tracer Bullet

Internet Resources, Selected

Internet Telephony, VoIP - Science Tracer Bullet
Introductory Physics - Science Tracer Bullet
Invasive Species - Science Tracer Bullet
Inventions - Selected Internet Resources
Isabel, Hurricane
Italy - Foreign Technical Reports Collection in TRS - Technical Reports and Standards Guide



James A. Duke: A Select List of Librarians' Favorite Reference Tools (plants) - Science Reference Guide
Japanese Science, Technology and Medicine - Selected Internet Resoruces
Current Scientific & Technical Journal Collection List
What causes a noise when you crack a joint? - Everyday Mysteries
Journal List, Current
(Current Journals, print copies, available in the Science Reference area of the Science and Business Reading Room)



Kitchen Gardens



L'Aerophile Collection, Technical Reports and Standards
Landscape Renovation -- James Madision Building
What is the largest flower in the world? - Everyday Mysteries
Lasers - Science Tracer Bullet
Lewis and Clark, The Natural History of, Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Why does ultraviolet light cause color pigments to fade? - Everyday Mysteries
How is the light of a lighthouse magnified so that it can be seen many miles out at sea? - Everyday Mysteries
Locating Techincal Reports and Standards



Machu Picchu: A Brief Bibliography - Science Reference Guide
Mad Cow Disease, or Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) :Links to Information - Selected Internet Resources
Maple Sugaring: Selected Seasonal Resources - Science Reference Guide
From the Manhattan Project to Chernobyl: A Guide to Exhibted Materials - Science Reference Guide (August 2005)
Medical/Health - Selected Internet Resources

Medical Genetics: Selected Book Titles - Science Reference Guide
Medicine and Health Information, Locating - Science Reference Guide
Medicinal Plants - Science Tracer Bullet
Medicinal Plants - Selected Internet Resources
Medicine, Herbal - Selected Internet Resources
Meteor Showers - Selected Internet Resources
Migration of Monarch Butterfly - Selected Internet Resources
Mines, Mining, and Mineral Resources - Science Tracer Bullet
Molecular Biology and Bioniformatics - Selected Internet Resources
Why do mosquitoes bite me and not my friend? - Everyday Mysteries
What is the strongest muscle in the human body?

Mysteries, Everyday: Fun Science Facts from the Library of Congress



Nanotechnology - Selected Internet Resources
Nanotechnology - Science Tracer Bullet
National Hispanic Heritage Month 2005: Hispanic Americans in Science and Technology - Science Reference Guide
Natural Disasters: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
The Natural History of Lewis and Clark: Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
The Nature & Science of Autumn: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Nature Study, Nature Writing: Past and Present - Science Reference Guide
Navigation - Science Tracer Bullet
Nobel Prize Winners in Science and Economics - 2003
Nobel Prize Winners in Science and Economics - 2004
Nobel Prize Winners in Science and Economics - 2005
What causes a noise when you crack a joint? - Everyday Mysteries
What are the northern lights? - Everyday Mysteries
Nuclear Weapons - Science Tracer Bullet



Obtaining Technical Reports and Standards
Oceanography - Selected Internet Resources
Why is the ocean blue? - Everyday Mysteries
Why does chopping an onion make you cry? - Everyday Mysteries
The Origins of Life & the Universe: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Orgins of Life in the Universe -- Curator's Choice - Science Reference Guide



Parking and Parking Structures: A Selected Bibliography -Science Reference Guide
Are black-eyed peas really peas? - Everyday Mysteries
Spring Peepers - Selected Internet Resources
Why does pepper make you sneeze? - Everyday Mysteries
Pest Management, Integrated - Science Tracer Bullet
Pesticides and Foods - Science Tracer Bullet
Photography, Digital - Science Tracer Bullet
Physics, Introductory - Science Tracer Bullet
Physics - Selected Internet Resources
Picnics - Science Reference Guide
Why do pigeons bob their heads when they walk? - Everyday Mysteries
Plants, Edible Wild - Science Tracer Bullet
Plants, Edible Wild - Science Reference Guide
Plants, Medicinal - Selected Internet Resources
Plastics -- Science Safari Adventures - Selected Internet Resources
Podcasts, Webcasts & Other Digitial Media Files - Science Reference Guide
Poisonous Plants - Science Tracer Bullet
Is a polar bear’s fur transparent?- Everyday Mysteries
Prepare for Your Visit
What is the difference between sweet potatoes and yams? - Everyday Mysteries
Projects, Science Fair: Selected Internet Resource



Quick Guide to Document Delivery in Science & Technology
Quick Guide to Open-Access Archives in Science, Technology & Medicine: Eprints - Selected Internet Resources
Quotations in the Sciences, Sources for - Science Reference Guide



Rachel Carson: Selected Reading List - Science Reference Guide
Is the old adage "Red sky at night, sailor's delight. Red sky in morning, sailor's warning" true, or is it just an old wives’ tale? - Everyday Mysteries

Reference Guides, Science:

Remote Sensing - Science Tracer Bullet
Space Based Ornithology: Remote Sensing & Bird Migration - Science Referene Guide
Resources for Teachers - Selected Internet Resources
Ricin - Science Reference Guide
Rifle, The Winchester: The Gun That Won the West - Science Reference Guide
Roofs, Green - Science Tracer Bullets
Russian Language Abstract Journals in Science and Technology - Science Reference Guide



Schools, Astronomy for, Selected Teaching Aids - Science Reference Guide
Science, African Americans in, Selected Exhibit Reading List: February 2005 - Science Reference Guide
Science and Ethics - Science Reference Guide
Science and Technology in the 18th Century - Science Tracer Bullet

Science and Technology, General Resources In - Selected Internet Resources
Science and Technology, National Hispanic Heritage Month 2005: Hispanic Americans in - Science Referene Guide
Science and Technology, Quick Guide to Document Delivery in
The Science of Addiction: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
The Science of Beauty - Science Reference Guide
The Science of Smell - Science Reference Guide
Science Education - Science Tracer Bullet
Science Education, The Crisis in - Science Tracer Bullet
Science Fair Projects - Science Tracer Bullet
Science Fair Projects - Selected Internet Resources
Science Projects, Environmental - Science Tracer Bullet
Science Projects in Biology - Science Tracer Bullet

Science Reference Guides:

Science Tracer Bullets Online: Selected Internet Resources in Science and Technology

What are the seven seas? - Everyday Mysteries
17-Year Periodical Cicadas (2004) - Selected Internet Resources
How does skywriting and skytyping work? - Everyday Mysteries
What is the smallest flower in the world? - Everyday Mysteries
Smell, The Science of - Selected Internet Resources
Does your heart stop when you sneeze - Everyday Mysteries
(Snow Crystals) Is it true that no two snow crystals are alike?- Everyday Mysteries
Snow: Flakes and Crystals - Science Reference Guide
Solar Energy - Science Tracer Bullet
Solar Ovens and Solar Cooking: Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Sources for Quotations in the Sciences - Science Reference Guide
Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: State of the Environment - Science Tracer Bullet
Space Based Ornithology: Remote Sensing & Bird Migration - Science Reference Guide
Space and Science Projects - Science Tracer Bullet
Speakers (Calendar of Events)
Speech Recognition and Processing - Science Tracer Bullet
Sports Medicine - Science Tracer Bullet
Spring Peepers - Selected Internet Resources
1957-2007: Sputnik and the Space Race: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
How did the squash get its name? - Everyday Mystries
Standards Collections - Technical Reports and Standards
How does static electricity work? - Everyday Mysteries
Statistics: Sources in the Sciences - Science Reference Guide
How does a stone skip across water? - Everyday Mysteries

Subject Guides in Science and Technology:

How does sunscreen work? - Everyday Mysteries
School Gardening: A Guide to Selected Resources
School Gardening Activities: A Guide to Selected Resources
What are stem cells? - Everyday Mysteries
Sustainable Agriculture - Science Tracer Bullet
Supercapacitors, and Fuel Cells. Batteries - Science Tracer Bullet
Superconductivity - Science Tracer Bullet
Superstring Theory: A Brief Bibliography - Science Reference Guide



Teachers, Resources for - Selected Internet Resources
Technical Reports Collections
Technical Reports and Standards
Technical Reports and Standards, About
Techincal Reports and Standards, Locating
Technical Reports and Standards, Obtaining
The Technical Translation Series - Technical Reports and Standards
Technology, The History of - Science Tracer Bullet
Technology, The History of Household - Science Tracer Bullet
Household Technology, The History of with Constance Carter, Head, Science Reference Section, Library of Congress -- Journies & Crossings Webcast
Technology Transfer: The Use of Government Laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development
Telephony, VoIP/Internet - Science Tracer Bullet
Time - Science Tracer Bullet
Who is credited with inventing the telephone? - Everyday Mysteries
Can you tell the temperature by listening to the chirp of a cricket? - Everyday Mysteries
How does an hourglass measure time? - Everyday Mysteries
What causes the sound of thunder? - Everyday Mysteries
Who invented the toothbrush and when was it invented? - Everyday Mysteries
Who invented the TV dinner? - Everday Mysteries

Tracer Bullets (Science Tracer Bullets Online -- Finding Aids):

Why do turkeys have dark and white meat? - Everyday Mysteries



UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects) - Science Tracer Bullet
Why does ultraviolet light cause color pigments to fade? - Everyday Mysteries
Underground Architecture - Science Tracer Bullet
Urban Transportation - Science Tracer Bullet



Prepare for Your Visit
Vitamins and Minerals - Science Tracer Bullet
VoIP/Internet Telephony - Science Tracer Bullet




Does water go down the drain counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere? - Everyday Mysteries
How much water does a camel's hump hold? - Everyday Mysteries
Weather/Climate - Selected Internet Resources
Weather and Climate Data - Science Reference Guide
Web Resources for the Library of Congress Science Reference Service - Selected Internet Resources
What are the northern lights? - Everyday Mysteries
What are the seven seas? - Everyday Mysteries
What are stem cells? - Everyday Mysteries
What causes a noise when you crack a joint? - Everyday Mysteries
What does it mean when they say the universe is expanding? - Everyday Mysteries
What is engineering? Science Reference Guide
What is a GPS? How does it work? - Everyday Mysteries
What is the largest flower in the world? - Everyday Mysteries
What's New on the Science Reference Services Web Site
Which is the largest bear on Earth? - Everyday Mysteries
Who invented the automobile?
Who invented frozen food? - Everday Mysteries
Who invented the toothbrush and when was it invented? - Everyday Mysteries
Who is credited with inventing the telephone- Everyday Mysteries
Why is it hot in the summer and cold in the winter?- Everyday Mysteries
Why is the ocean blue? - Everyday Mysteries
Why do bats live in caves? - Everyday Mysteries
Why do cats purr? - Everyday Mysteries
Why do fingers and toes wrinkle in the bathtub?- Everyday Mysteries
Why do geese fly in a "V"? - Everyday Mysteries
Why do turkeys have dark and white meat - Everyday Mysteries
Why does chopping an onion make you cry? - Everyday Mysteries
Why does pepper make you sneeze? - Everyday Mysteries
Why does ultraviolet light cause color pigments to fade? - Everyday Mysteries
The Winchester Rifle: The Gun That Won the West - Science Reference Guide
Wind Power - Science Tracer Bullet
Winter Gardening: A Guide to Selected Resources - Science Reference Guide
Women in Astronomy: A Comprehensive Bibliography - Bibliographies
Women in Horticulture - Science Reference Guide
Women's History and Food History: New Ways of Seeing American Life - A Selection Books Displayed during the Barbara Harber Lecture - Science Reference Guide
Women in Science, Technology & Medicine - Selected Internet Resources
Women in the Sciences - Science Tracer Bullet
Women's History and Food History: New Ways of Seeing American Life - A Selection Books Displayed during the Barbara Harber Lecture



Can zebras be domesticated? - Everyday Mysteries
Zoology - Selected Internet Resources


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  September 19, 2008
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