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Cancer Genetics Overview (PDQ®)
Health Professional VersionLast Modified: 09/22/2008
Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI), Policy, and Legislation

Resource  Description Links to articles on genetics and bioethics.
Bioethics Resources on the Web Links to bioethics resources.
Coalition for Genetic Fairness Describes GINA’s protections including a history of the legislation, key examples, and definitions.
DNA Patent Database Searchable database of U.S. DNA-based patents and patent applications issued by the U.S. Patent and Patent Applications Trademark Office.
Ethical, Legal, and Social Issues (from the Human Genome Project) Information, articles, and links on a wide range of issues. Information on the social, ethical, and policy issues associated with genetic and genomic knowledge and technology.
Genetics and Public Policy Center Information on public policy related to human genetic technologies for the public, media, and policy makers.
Genome Technology and Reproduction: Values and Public Policy and Communities of Color and Genetics Policy Project Two subprojects combined to form a 5-year project designed to provide policy recommendations based on public perceptions and responses to the explosion of genetic information and technology.
HumGen International Comprehensive international database on the legal, social, and ethical aspects of human genetics.
NCSL (National Conference of State Legislatures) Genetic Technologies Project Resources on a variety of genetics public policy and related issues for state legislators, legislative staff, and other policy makers.
National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics Links to resources and databases on ethics and human genetics.
National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics: Annotated Bibliographies: Scope Note Series Annotated bibliographies on various genetics and ethics issues.
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Policy and Legislation Database Searchable database of Federal and State laws/ statutes, Federal legislative materials, and Federal administrative and executive materials about privacy of genetic information/ confidentiality; informed consent; insurance and employment discrimination; genetic testing and counseling; and commercialization and patenting.
National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC) Code of Ethics A statement to clarify and guide the ethical conduct of genetic counselors.
The President's Council on Bioethics Reports, transcripts, and background material on current bioethical issues.
THOMAS Legislative Information (from Library of Congress) Searchable database of U.S. legislation (current and previous Congresses).
Your Genes, Your Choices Description of the Human Genome Project, the science behind it, and the ethical, legal, and social issues raised by the project.

A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health