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Performance Measurements
Current Performance Measures Regional Performance Rates
Publication Calendar
Wage Gain
Current Performance Measures
Placement: The percent of customers employed after completing services.
Retention: The percent of customers employed in four continuous quarters after completing services.
Wage Gain: Fifth quarter average hourly wages minus first quarter average hourly wages.
Caseload Management: The number of current Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) cases by workforce region.
Reporting dates (xls, 496 KB) - Confused between the dates when the services were completed ("Service Completed" date) and the date which the data are displayed on the Placement, Retention and Wage Gain reports? This tool is designed to show the difference between the Services Completed date and the date on which the data is displayed on the report.  

Publication Calendar
Performance measurement reports are published quarterly.
October 8, 2008
January 7, 2009
April 8, 2009
July 8, 2009

How the placement performance measurement is calculated.
Placement calculation  (ppt, 472 KB)
Statewide trends in placement starting July 1, 2000.
Placement trends  (xls, 235 KB)
Placement and the unemployment rate trends (not seasonally adjusted) (xls, 177 KB)
How the retention performance measurement is calculated.
Retention calculation  (ppt, 686 KB)
Statewide trends in retention starting July 1, 2000.
Retention trends  (xls, 158 KB)

Wage Gain
How the wage gain performance measurement is calculated.
Wage gain calculation  (ppt, 495 KB)
Statewide trends in wage gain starting July 1, 2000.
Wage gain trends  (xls, 134 KB)

Each performance measure is defined by the number of quarters required to calculate the outcome.
Timeframes (pdf, 106 KB)

Regional Performance Rates
Placement, Retention and Wage performance by Agency  - By the click of a button view regional placement, retention or wage data for a selected year and quarter for any partner agency. (xls, 3,794 KB)
Placement rate - regional map  (pdf, 23 KB)
Retention rate - regional map  (pdf, 24 KB)
Wage gain rate - regional map  (pdf, 24 KB)

Page updated: August 21, 2008

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