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background spacing imagebackground spacing imageU.S. ECONOMY

American Industries



Arts, Entertainment and Recreation

Banking and Investment

Healthcare and Medicine

  • Growing Up Healthy
    This series of essays examines many of the latest findings about the risks and challenges that young people face today and strategies and solutions for dealing with them.

  • National Health Expenditures
    Table containing historical statistics on U.S. health expenditures.

  • Health and Nutrition
    Report that presents statistics on health expenditures and insurance coverage, including medicare and medicaid, medical personnel, hospitals, nursing homes and other care facilities, injuries, diseases, disability status, nutritional intake of the population, and food consumption.

  • Science and Medicine: A Republic of Science
    This article discusses the history of U.S. inquiry and innovation in science and medicine.

  • Health & Nutrition: Health Insurance
    Links to the 2006 statistical abstract from the U.S. Census Bureau

  • U.S. National Institutes of Health
    The National Institutes of Health today is one of the world's foremost medical research centers, and the Federal focal point for medical research in the United States. The goal of NIH research is to acquire new knowledge to help prevent, detect, diagnose, and treat disease and disability, from the rarest genetic disorder to the common cold.

  • U.S. Centers for Disease Control
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is charged with protecting the public health by providing leadership and direction in the prevention of and control of diseases and other preventable conditions and responding to public health emergencies.

  • U.S. Army Medical Center
    Background on the U.S. Army Medical Center, which provides research and support for medical advancement for the American military.



  • Manufacturing in America: A Comprehensive Strategy to Address the Challenges to U.S. Manufacturers This report, issued by the U.S. Department of Commerce in January 2004, provides an overview of the manufacturing sector in the United States, as well as recommendations for business innovations for the future.

  • Manufactures
    This report contains summary data for manufacturing as a whole and more detailed information for major industry groups and selected products. The types of measures shown at the different levels include data for establishments, employment and wages, plant and equipment expenditures, value and quantity of production and shipments, value added by manufacture, inventories, and various indicators of financial status.

Media and Communications

  • Information and Communications
    This report presents statistics on the various information and communications media: publishing, including newspapers, periodicals, books, and software; motion pictures, sound recordings, broadcasting, and telecommunications; and information services, such as libraries. Statistics on computer use and Internet access are also included.

  • The Business Side of a Newspaper
    Article in which the business aspects of a newspaper are discussed (from An Unfettered Press).

  • The Business of Radio Broadcasting
    This article provides an overview of how a radio broadcasting business operates (from An Unfettered Press).

  • News in the Age of Money
    Business journalists covering a surging economy face an ethical dilemma as they are tempted to skew their coverage to gain profit from rising markets (from Media and Ethics).


Self-Employment and Small Businesses


Travel and Tourism

  • Office of Travel & Tourism Industries
    Background information on the U.S. Office of Travel and Tourism Industries, which promotes travel and tourism business opportunities for employment and economic growth.

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