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U.S. ECONOMY > An Overview of the U.S. Economy > Overview of the Economy

Overview of the Economy: Perspective from the BEA Accounts

BEA produces some of the most closely watched economic statistics that influence decisions of government officials, business people, and individuals. These statistics provide a comprehensive, up-to-date picture of the U.S. economy. The data on this page are drawn from featured BEA economic accounts.
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National Economic Accounts:

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)      
Quarterly data: Real GDP increased at an annual rate of 2.2 percent in Q3 2006, according to preliminary estimates.

2nd quarter 2006: +2.6
3rd quarter 2006: +2.2

Next release: December 21, 2006


Graph of Quarterly GDP Growth


Personal Income      
Monthly data: In October 2006, real disposable personal income increased 0.6 percent.

October 2006: +0.4 (personal income)
September 2006: +0.5 (personal income)

Next release: December 22nd, 2006


Graph of Real Disposable Income and Real Consumer Spending


Industry Economic Accounts:

Annual Industry Accounts: GDP by Industry  
Annual Data: In 2005, 3.7 percent growth in the services-producing sector led the overall growth of the U.S. economy (3.2 percent).

Next release: April 24, 2007






Graph of Annual Growth in Real Value Added

Graph of Annual Changes in Price Indexes for Value Added

International Economic Accounts:

U.S. Balance of Payments (International Transactions)  
Quarterly and Annual data: The U.S. current-account deficit increased $5.2 billion to $218.4 billion (preliminary) in the second quarter of 2006.

1st quarter 2006: -$213.2 billion
2nd quarter 2006: -$218.4 billion

Next release: December 18, 2006


Quarterly Data Graph of U.S. Current-Account Transactions

International Investment Position      
Annual data: The U.S. net international investment position at yearend 2005 was -$2,693.8 billion (preliminary) with direct investment valued at current cost, as the value of foreign investments in the United States exceeded the value of U.S. investments abroad.

Graph of  U.S. Net  International  Investment Position at Yearend  
International Trade      
Monthly data: Total September exports of $123.2 billion and imports of $187.5 billion resulted in a goods and services deficit of $64.3 billion. (Joint release with the U.S. Census Bureau)

August 2006: -$69.0 billion
September 2006: -$64.3 billion

Next release: December 12, 2006


Monthly Graph of Balance on Goods and Services Trade


Regional Economic Accounts:

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by State - formerly known as GSP      
Annual data: Newly available data on the 2005 state distribution of GDP, showed that private services-providing industries accounted for more than 80 percent of real growth in the Great Lakes, Mideast, Plains, and New England regions.
Next release: June 7, 2007

  Map of Annual Percent Change in  Real Gross State Product  
State Personal Income (SPI)      
Quarterly data: Personal income growth slowed in all regions of the country, except the Great Lakes region.
Next release: December 20, 2006

  Map of State Personal Income  
State Per Capita Personal Income      
Annual data: Per capita personal income grew 4.2 percent in 2005, 1 percentage point less than its 5.2 percent growth rate in 2004.
Next release: March 27, 2007
  Map of State Per Capita Personal Income  
Personal Income for Metropolitan Areas, 2005      
Annual data: Personal income growth was slower in 2005 than in 2004 in most of the nation’s MSAs.
  Map of State Per Capita Personal Income  

Last updated: Monday, December 11, 2006

InfoUSA is maintained by the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP), U.S. Department of State

The numerical data in this section is solely for informational purposes. Please consult the original sources for updated information.