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Information on the holidays, symbols, and songs that are an important part of American culture.

Symbols and Celebrations


  • Holidays: National Celebrations
    An overview of America's national holidays and celebrations.

  • Celebrate! Holidays in the U.S.                                                              
    Holidays in the United States and summaries about how and why we celebrate.

  • The Fourth of July
     Information from the Census Bureau counting the number of ways Americans spend money on fireworks and attend parks.

  • Making Sense of the Fourth of July                                                 
    An article by Pauline Maier explaining the Fourth of July.

National Symbols

  • The Statue of Liberty
    This page provides a history, a list of educational programs and activities, and describes the museum located at the base of the Statue of Liberty.

  • Emma Lazarus, "The New Colossus" (1883)
    Introduction and full text of the poem by Emma Lazarus which is carved on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty.

  • The Pledge of Allegiance                                              
     History about the Pledge of Allegiance and the man who wrote it.

  • Great Seal of the United States
    Picture and history of the Great Seal of America.

  • Celebrating America's Freedoms                                    
    Summaries of distinct American traditions, symbols and heritage.

  • The American Bald Eagle                        
    The bald eagle is truly an all-American bird -- it is the only eagle unique to North America. It ranges over most of the continent, from the northern reaches of Alaska and Canada down to northern Mexico.

Patriotic Songs

  • The National Anthem                                                               
     Information about the writer Francis Scott Key and a copy of the Star Spangled Banner.

  • MP3 version of National Anthem
    MP3 version of National Anthem performed by USAF Heritage Band.

  • America and other Inspirational Songs
    The lyrics to the songs “America” as well as “America the Beautiful”; “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “God Bless America.”

  • America the Beautiful
    The lyrics to the song "America the Beautiful."

  • God Bless America
    The lyrics to the song "God Bless America" by Irving Berlin.

  • The Battle Hymn of the Republic
    The lyrics to  "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" by Julia Ward Howard.

  • The Airforce Song
    The full lyrics to the Air force Song by R. Crawford.

  • Anchors Aweigh
    The History and lyrics of the U.S. Navy anthem.

  • The Army Song
    All the words to "The Army Goes Rolling Along:" (Based upon "The Caisson Song" by Brig. Gen. E.L. Gruber) written and adapted by H.W. A.

  • Marines Hymn
    The lyrics and history of the Marines Hymn.

  • Semper Paratus
    The lyrics to the Coast Guard's song Semper Paratus (Always Ready.)

The Flag

  • Facts About the U.S. Flag
    General facts about the United States flag.

  • Flags at Fort McHenry
    History of the U.S. flag.

  • Proclamation of President Harry S. Truman
    Information about the Joint Resolution to Codify and Emphasize Existing Rules and Customs Pertaining to the Display and Use of the Flag of the United States of America.

  • Federal Flag Code
    The Federal Flag Code prescribes the proper display of and respect for the United States Flag. Each state has its own flag law.

  • The Star Spangled Banner
    History and care of the flag that flew at Ft. McHenry which inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star Spangled Banner.”

  • Flag Protection
    A brief history and summary of recent Supreme Court decisions and proposed Constitutional Amendment.

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