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American Culture & History

  • American Folklife: A Commonwealth of Cultures
    Brief text summary of America's varied cultural traditions and the efforts to preserve it.

  • History: Toward the City on a Hill
    A brief history of the United States, from early Viking explorations to the present day.

  • Outline of American History
    Chapters on all significant periods of U.S. history.

  • Women of Influence
    This publication offers a glimpse at how women in the United States have helped shape their society.

  • Snapshot USA
    This edition of eJournal USA is designed to provide a central resource for information about the United States, tailored to the current generation of young people around the world. It contains many facts, statistics, and essays which describe how Americans think about their country and the world.

  • American Teenagers
    Essays by and about teenagers in America.

  • The United States in 2005: Who We Are Today
    This journal focuses on identifying the major attributes and values that best define Americans.

  • Americans at the Table: Reflections on Food and Culture
    A journal on the evolution of American cuisine.

  • Rebuilding and Resilience Five Years After 9/11
    This journal examines how the United States has rebounded and how the international community has rebuilt and come together to condemn terrorism in the five years since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Highlights include articles about the rebuilding of the area around the World Trade Center, U.S. government efforts to facilitate travel to the United States, an interfaith roundtable, planned 9/11 memorials, and how survivors are rebuilding their lives.

  • The Challenges of Globalization
    A journal examining the social and economic issues of globalization.

Biographies of Famous Americans

Artists, Writers and Composers



Human Rights Activists

Inventors, Technicians, Businessmen, and Pioneers

Political Figures



Race in America

Civil Rights

Ethnic Groups and Immigration

General Demographic & Population Statistics

Family Life & Children


American Religious History

Religion in America Today

Social Issues


Social Security


Crime and Justice



Volunteerism and Philanthropy

  • The United States: A Nation of Volunteers
    Discusses volunteerism as an aspect of American culture.

  • Volunteering in the United States
    Issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, this press release reports on volunteerism in the United States.

  • Giving: U.S. Philanthropy
    This journal highlights several forms of giving and the activities of a wide variety of philanthropic organizations, some under the patronage of the rich and famous, others created and operated by ordinary people. It also contains valuable resources for those who want to learn about nonprofit management, grant writing, and other topics related to modern philanthropy.


InfoUSA is maintained by the Bureau of International Information Programs (IIP), U.S. Department of State