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Policy Feedback from Program Review Tool (PRT)

The "GSA Feedback" section, consisting of the following questions, provides agencies with an opportunity to give GSA feedback on our policy function and to capture new best practices for government wide distribution. This section is not scored. 

1:  Do GSA's mechanisms for collecting your agency's information (forms, systems, tools) help your agency respond to mandatory requirements?

2:  Do GSA's government-wide reports and agency feedback provide your agency with useful information for managing your program?

3: Does compliance with GSA's regulations help your agency support its mission?

4: Do you have an opportunity to provide input to GSA's policy development and is your input considered?

5: Are you involved in our interagency committees, subcommittees or councils?

6: Does your agency have any best practice(s) that you recommend for government-wide consideration?

7: If you have had any corrective actions/recommendations from evaluations (IG, OMB, GAO, internal, etc.) with the last 3 years, have you implemented them?