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The Citizens' Commission on Civil Rights is a bipartisan organization established in 1982 to monitor the civil rights policies and practices of the federal government. Its work is grounded in the belief that the civil rights agenda benefits the entire country, not just particular interest groups. For the nation to remain strong, we must continue to struggle together to fight bias and invidious discrimination, to promote equality of opportunity in education, employment, and housing, to promote political and economic empowerment and to guarantee equal treatment in the administration of justice. Achieving these goals depends upon vigorous civil rights enforcement as a duty and obligation of the federal government.

march on Washington

Civil Rights Monitoring
Over the past 20 years, CCCR has become a primary resource for critical information and empirical data on a wide range of federal civil rights issues and has sought to accelerate progress in the areas of housing equality, voting, affirmative action, and others.

Education Reform and Advocacy
CCCR is one of a handful of organizations that has had a profound influence over the last decade on federal education reform designed to provide opportunity for poor children, children of color, children with limited English proficiency, and children with disabilities.


Coming Soon...

Commentary on the state of civil rights in education:

