President Barack Obama

First Impressions Count

One hundred days do not make a Presidency. But that didn’t stop the media circus that unfolded last week. Major networks and newspapers designed “one hundred day logos,” created “scorecards,” and devoted unending coverage to an evaluation of the President’s performance.
The White House continued to insist that the one hundredth day was a day like any other. Nevertheless, determined not to let the story spin out of control, the President held a prime time news conference, ensuring that the White House stamp would be on the stories of the day.

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Keith Ellison and Karen AbuZayd

Kahlil Gibran Awards Gala: inspiring

On Thursday, April 23rd, 2009, more than 700 guests from across the U.S. and the globe descended on Washington, DC for the 11th annual Kahlil Gibran “Spirit of Humanity” Awards gala hosted by the Arab American Institute Foundation (AAIF). The black tie affair began with opening remarks from Assistant to the President Valerie Jarrett. The awards ceremony honors individuals and organizations that toil – often unnoticed – to address some of the world’s most pressing humanitarian problems. This year’s program was launched by the gracious appearance and remarks of Her Majesty Queen Noor al-Hussein.

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White House

White House hosts Arab American Leadership Briefing

On Friday, April 24, the White House hosted 80 Arab American leaders from across the country: the first Arab American leadership briefing by the White House in nearly a decade.

The Arab American Institute worked closely with the Office of Public Liaison on coordinating logistics and recommending senior officials who would most effectively address community concerns and ensure the success of this milestone event. We are thankful that so many Arab American leaders attended and lent their voices to the discussions on foreign policy—from progress towards comprehensive peace in the Middle East to difficulties faced when traveling in Palestine—and domestic issues, such as civil liberties protections and economic recovery.

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