BATSE Trigger Information

CGRO-BATSE was turned off at 01:32 UT 27 May 00, in preparation for the de-orbit controlled re-entry. There will be no more BATSE triggers. This is the last of the BATSE triggers.

The browser-graphical format of the lightcurves has been reinstated. See the announcement.

  1. The Latest Triggers
  2. Older Triggers

This table contains information about each BATSE trigger. It is updated automatically in real-time (within about 20 seconds after a trigger) by the GCN program. The table is in reverse time order -- the most recent trigger is the first row in the table. The table is divided into three sections of information based on the source of that information: GCN, Huntsville, and Miscelaneous.

These 9 left-most columns (GCN) are the results from the real-time GCN processing and are added to the table within 30sec after the notice is distributed by the system. The columns are: the Trigger number, the Date and UT Time of the trigger, the notice Type (Original, Final, MAXBC, Locburst, failed, and failmaxbc), the GCN RA,Dec (J2000) location, the Intensity and Fluence of the event, and a link to various forms of the BATSE Light Curve (counts/1.024sec in various bands). If a column's information is not available or is not applicable then that entry is listed as "n/a". The Trigger number column is a hyper link to an archive of all the Original, Final, MAXBC, Locburst, failed notices to date for that trigger.

The detailed definition of the Intensity changes for each Notice type. For Original the Intensity is the effective planewave countrate in the 50-300 keV band in the first 1-2 seconds of the burst. For the Final notices, it is the peak effective planewave intensity in the brightest 1-sec rate sample during the 1-32 sec interval after the trigger that the program searches for a peak intensity. For MAXBC, it is the peak effective planewave intensity in the brightest 64-msec sample (then multiplied by 16 to yield the same 1024-msec sampling as the other notices) during the 0-10 minute interval after the trigger. The Fluence column is only valid for the Final notices and is the integrated count rate in the 50-300 keV band for those 1-sec samples 2.5 sigma above background for the 1-32sec post-trigger interval.

The next 6 columns (Huntsville) come from the Huntsville Administrative Report which is issued about 1-4 days after the trigger. These columns contain: the Trigger number, their classification Type, the RA,Dec (J2000) location, the statistical-only Error of that location (in degrees), and a link to a brief Comment describing the trigger. These entries will be automatically updated when the information is received from the BATSE team (MSFC, Huntsville; 1-4 days later). The values are identical for each of the multiple rows due to the multiple GCN Notices for each trigger. (It is easiest to have the table-updating program replace ALL instances of a given trigger.)

The next 3 columns (Misc) contain links to any additional information about the trigger; in particular, if there is IPN location information (I), if there is COMPTEL location information (C), and if there is any Other information (O) about this trigger (other spacecraft observations and ground-based follow-up observations: GCN3).

Each trigger can have 1 to 4 entries (rows) in the table. The exact number depends on the type of trigger (GRB, Particle, etc), on the height and risetime of the increase of counts in the detectors, and on the presence or lack of telemetry (TM gaps). A full sequence of notices would be: a fast rising GRB (>5sigma above background in the first 10sec after the trigger) will produce an Original Notice, then if telemetry continues, there will be a Final Notice based on up to the first 32sec of the light curve. Then with continuing telemetry at T+10minutes there will be a MAXBC Notice. In the meantime a telemetry file has been ftp-ed to Huntsville where the on-call person will generate a LOCBURST Notice which then gets redistributed by GCN and added to this table. Because of the processing involved within the program, if there is no Original Notice there can be no Final Notice or LOCBURST Notice. Other scenarios involve getting only a MAXBC Notice, because the initial trigger happened in TM gap (hense no Original, Final, or even a LOCBURST because there was no telemetry file to ftp to Huntsville). The "Locburst" notices are generated for only true GRB triggers. Notices of any type with an RA,Dec location pointing towards the inner section of the Earth occulting disc are not distributed to the sites and do not appear in this table. And for a fraction of the GRB events there can be RXTE Notices (from the PCA, ASM, or both).

Because of gaps in the telemetry, a small fraction (~10%) of the triggers will be completely missed by the GCN system (i.e., all notice types are missing). For those entries, only the Huntsville information will be available.

Mail questions/suggestions/complaints to Scott Barthelmy.

The Latest BATSE Triggers & GRB Information
Trig Date Time UT Type RA Dec Inten Flue L.C. Trig Type RA Dec Err Cmnt I C O
8121 00/05/26 10:01:33.68 Maxbc 247.05 -20.08 656 n/a n/a 8121 BURST 231.38 -10.32 0.9 yes
8121 00/05/26 10:01:33.68 Original 233.46 -13.78 2976 n/a n/a 8121 BURST 231.38 -10.32 0.9 yes
8120 00/05/25 10:24:13.68 Original 314.51 -56.02 2397 n/a yes 8120 BURST 280.23 -39.44 2.8 yes
8120 00/05/25 10:24:13.68 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a yes 8120 BURST 280.23 -39.44 2.8 yes
8119 00/05/24 05:51:21.65 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8119 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8119 00/05/24 05:51:21.65 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8119 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8118 00/05/24 05:38:43.57 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8118 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8117 00/05/24 04:12:33.65 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8117 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8117 00/05/24 04:12:33.65 Original 324.79 +23.97 8492 n/a yes 8117 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8116 00/05/24 00:09:05.53 Locburst 111.52 -40.29 3857 n/a n/a 8116 BURST 109.22 -41.39 1.32 yes
8116 00/05/24 00:09:05.52 Maxbc 114.19 -40.26 3168 n/a n/a 8116 BURST 109.22 -41.39 1.32 yes
8116 00/05/24 00:09:05.52 Original 104.69 -39.69 2366 n/a n/a 8116 BURST 109.22 -41.39 1.32 yes
8115 00/05/23 20:50:47.67 Final 60.80 +22.83 n/a 711613 yes 8115 FLARE 60.17 21.04 0.057 yes yes
8115 00/05/23 20:50:47.67 Original 61.29 +23.91 5251 n/a yes 8115 FLARE 60.17 21.04 0.057 yes yes
8114 00/05/23 17:50:05.56 Final 62.23 +23.44 n/a 57500 yes 8114 FLARE 60.25 21.13 0.061 yes yes
8114 00/05/23 17:50:05.56 Original 62.52 +23.46 5566 n/a yes 8114 FLARE 60.25 21.13 0.061 yes yes
8113 00/05/21 09:47:45.78 Maxbc 18.18 -12.33 448 n/a n/a 8113 BURST 5.95 -6.29 4.6 yes
8112 00/05/20 11:15:35.80 Maxbc 243.05 -4.56 432 n/a yes 8112 BURST 234.75 -0.42 3.1 yes
8112 00/05/20 11:15:35.80 Final 238.14 +0.64 n/a 3617 yes 8112 BURST 234.75 -0.42 3.1 yes
8112 00/05/20 11:15:35.80 Original 236.75 +1.38 867 n/a yes 8112 BURST 234.75 -0.42 3.1 yes
8111 00/05/19 08:18:07.74 Locburst 347.33 +4.65 6192 n/a n/a 8111 BURST 346.00 3.37 1.0 yes yes
8111 00/05/19 08:18:07.73 Maxbc 349.66 +0.90 3280 n/a n/a 8111 BURST 346.00 3.37 1.0 yes yes
8111 00/05/19 08:18:07.73 Original 351.67 -1.27 4168 n/a yes 8111 BURST 346.00 3.37 1.0 yes yes
8110 00/05/18 05:41:51.99 Maxbc 72.49 +49.01 1872 n/a n/a 8110 BURST 71.30 53.81 1.837 yes yes
8110 00/05/18 05:41:51.99 Original 76.52 +52.36 1883 n/a yes 8110 BURST 71.30 53.81 1.837 yes yes
8109 00/05/17 05:36:30.07 Maxbc 110.45 +77.15 2448 n/a n/a 8109 BURST 107.88 76.81 1.1 yes
8108 00/05/16 02:13:35.60 Maxbc 249.22 -23.85 512 n/a n/a 8108 TGF 205.96 -22.81 10.48 yes
8108 00/05/16 02:13:35.60 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8108 TGF 205.96 -22.81 10.48 yes
8107 00/05/15 08:42:45.88 Original 55.46 +22.02 3235 n/a yes 8107 FLARE 53.39 19.45 1.5 yes yes
8107 00/05/15 08:42:45.88 Final 50.51 +18.97 n/a 77832 yes 8107 FLARE 53.39 19.45 1.5 yes yes
8106 00/05/14 09:17:00.02 Maxbc 52.21 +13.64 4128 n/a n/a 8106 FLARE 52.04 18.63 0.1 yes yes
8106 00/05/14 09:17:00.02 Original 46.09 +18.24 8848 n/a yes 8106 FLARE 52.04 18.63 0.1 yes yes
8105 00/05/13 17:50:53.17 Maxbc 137.87 -15.21 560 n/a yes 8105 BURST 160.84 -11.97 3.4 yes
8105 00/05/13 17:50:53.17 Final 153.79 -11.33 n/a 5262 yes 8105 BURST 160.84 -11.97 3.4 yes
8105 00/05/13 17:50:53.17 Original 151.44 -13.70 1461 n/a yes 8105 BURST 160.84 -11.97 3.4 yes
8104 00/05/13 11:21:35.42 Locburst 338.26 -45.93 2337 n/a n/a 8104 BURST 338.89 -45.15 2.1 yes
8104 00/05/13 11:21:35.41 Maxbc 341.89 -52.07 2064 n/a n/a 8104 BURST 338.89 -45.15 2.1 yes
8104 00/05/13 11:21:35.41 Original 341.37 -53.79 2757 n/a n/a 8104 BURST 338.89 -45.15 2.1 yes
8103 00/05/13 11:04:20.98 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8103 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8103 00/05/13 11:04:20.98 Final 302.94 -25.70 n/a 169083 n/a 8103 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8103 00/05/13 11:04:20.98 Original 348.82 -59.44 2566 n/a yes 8103 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8102 00/05/11 18:02:58.68 Maxbc 312.72 +10.62 416 n/a n/a 8102 BURST 295.68 -8.74 3.9 yes
8102 00/05/11 18:02:58.68 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8102 BURST 295.68 -8.74 3.9 yes
8101 00/05/11 01:11:59.99 Locburst 333.90 -37.78 2345 n/a n/a 8101 BURST 331.28 -36.08 0.9 yes
8101 00/05/11 01:11:59.99 Maxbc 328.63 -36.11 1600 n/a n/a 8101 BURST 331.28 -36.08 0.9 yes
8101 00/05/11 01:11:59.99 Final 336.72 -46.09 n/a 25765 yes 8101 BURST 331.28 -36.08 0.9 yes
8101 00/05/11 01:11:59.99 Original 325.92 -50.15 536 n/a yes 8101 BURST 331.28 -36.08 0.9 yes
8099 00/05/08 21:30:19.25 Locburst 92.00 +4.26 10347 n/a n/a 8099 BURST 89.87 2.41 0.6 yes yes
8099 00/05/08 21:30:19.25 Maxbc 93.03 -1.22 4720 n/a n/a 8099 BURST 89.87 2.41 0.6 yes yes yes
8099 00/05/08 21:30:19.25 Original 92.13 -4.83 1695 n/a n/a 8099 BURST 89.87 2.41 0.6 yes yes yes
8098 00/05/08 19:10:50.88 Locburst 252.59 -20.37 4158 n/a n/a 8098 BURST 253.57 -20.38 0.4 yes yes
8098 00/05/08 19:10:50.87 Maxbc 266.79 -30.39 2112 n/a n/a 8098 BURST 253.57 -20.38 0.4 yes yes
8098 00/05/08 19:10:50.87 Original 260.49 -24.68 4456 n/a n/a 8098 BURST 253.57 -20.38 0.4 yes yes
8097 00/05/08 00:28:27.51 Maxbc 180.14 +1.67 544 n/a n/a 8097 BURST 202.69 3.82 7.5 yes
8097 00/05/08 00:28:27.51 Original 196.20 +6.67 795 n/a n/a 8097 BURST 202.69 3.82 7.5 yes
8096 00/05/05 16:20:10.10 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8096 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8096 00/05/05 16:20:10.10 Final 78.46 +21.81 n/a 51772 yes 8096 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8096 00/05/05 16:20:10.10 Original 180.44 +3.38 522 n/a yes 8096 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8095 00/05/05 13:06:07.22 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8095 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8095 00/05/05 13:06:07.22 Final 78.78 +21.20 n/a 120281 yes 8095 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8095 00/05/05 13:06:07.22 Original 54.37 -73.53 2160 n/a yes 8095 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8094 00/05/04 15:12:49.78 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8094 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes yes
8094 00/05/04 15:12:49.78 Final 332.10 -51.71 n/a 50774 yes 8094 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes yes
8094 00/05/04 15:12:49.78 Original 76.95 +21.33 7851 n/a yes 8094 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes yes
8093 00/05/04 13:35:58.20 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8093 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8093 00/05/04 13:35:58.20 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8093 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8092 00/05/04 11:01:37.14 Maxbc 33.15 +10.56 2192 n/a n/a 8092 FLARE 44.32 20.47 0.2 yes
8091 00/05/04 04:37:27.92 Maxbc 29.20 +19.31 816 n/a n/a 8091 FLARE 36.47 20.04 0.8 yes
8091 00/05/04 04:37:27.92 Final 31.98 +11.68 n/a 29190 yes 8091 FLARE 36.47 20.04 0.8 yes yes
8091 00/05/04 04:37:27.92 Original 32.20 +12.49 5132 n/a yes 8091 FLARE 36.47 20.04 0.8 yes yes
8090 00/05/02 14:45:19.73 Maxbc 34.29 +12.54 51120 n/a n/a 8090 FLARE 39.25 22.77 1.0 yes
8090 00/05/02 14:45:19.73 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8090 FLARE 39.25 22.77 1.0 yes
8089 00/05/02 03:33:10.64 Maxbc 254.35 -44.61 640 n/a n/a 8089 BURST 253.92 -46.55 3.7 yes
8089 00/05/02 03:33:10.64 Final 255.01 -39.64 n/a 807 yes 8089 BURST 253.92 -46.55 3.7 yes
8089 00/05/02 03:33:10.64 Original 255.01 -39.64 807 n/a yes 8089 BURST 253.92 -46.55 3.7 yes
8088 00/05/01 10:21:02.07 Maxbc 45.79 +15.28 3744 n/a n/a 8088 FLARE 37.49 22.25 0.7 yes
8087 00/04/29 10:07:22.87 Locburst 99.91 -2.81 6570 n/a n/a 8087 BURST 100.24 -4.80 0.57 yes yes
8087 00/04/29 10:07:22.87 Final 95.84 -3.38 n/a 63901 yes 8087 BURST 100.24 -4.80 0.57 yes yes yes
8087 00/04/29 10:07:22.87 Original 99.02 -3.48 712 n/a yes 8087 BURST 100.24 -4.80 0.57 yes yes yes
8086 00/04/24 18:18:07.99 Maxbc 102.50 +51.52 2592 n/a n/a 8086 BURST 105.07 53.96 0.9 yes
8086 00/04/24 18:18:07.99 Maxbc 102.50 +51.52 2592 n/a n/a 8086 BURST 105.07 53.96 0.9 yes
8086 00/04/24 18:18:07.99 Locburst 102.72 +51.54 3746 n/a yes 8086 BURST 105.07 53.96 0.9 yes
8086 00/04/24 18:18:07.99 Final 105.12 +50.66 n/a 22059 yes 8086 BURST 105.07 53.96 0.9 yes
8086 00/04/24 18:18:07.99 Original 104.09 +47.55 1841 n/a yes 8086 BURST 105.07 53.96 0.9 yes
8085 00/04/24 09:04:26.36 Locburst 230.17 +72.09 3531 n/a n/a 8085 BURST 233.08 71.76 1.4 yes
8085 00/04/24 09:04:26.36 Maxbc 236.14 +74.47 2832 n/a n/a 8085 BURST 233.08 71.76 1.4 yes
8085 00/04/24 09:04:26.36 Final 235.44 +67.22 n/a 12966 yes 8085 BURST 233.08 71.76 1.4 yes
8085 00/04/24 09:04:26.36 Original 233.77 +68.70 3970 n/a yes 8085 BURST 233.08 71.76 1.4 yes
8084 00/04/21 12:23:34.39 Locburst 172.95 +16.98 2237 n/a n/a 8084 BURST 174.94 16.95 3.1 yes
8084 00/04/21 12:23:34.39 Maxbc 183.37 +8.88 1280 n/a n/a 8084 BURST 174.94 16.95 3.1 yes
8084 00/04/21 12:23:34.39 Original 176.83 +12.21 1246 n/a n/a 8084 BURST 174.94 16.95 3.1 yes
8082 00/04/20 18:00:40.63 Maxbc 329.11 -69.26 1200 n/a n/a 8082 BURST 313.87 -63.05 2.8 yes
8082 00/04/20 18:00:40.63 Original 320.31 -58.66 390 n/a yes 8082 BURST 313.87 -63.05 2.8 yes
8080 00/04/20 01:22:56.37 Maxbc 155.83 -57.36 688 n/a n/a 8080 BURST 139.10 -44.68 1.9 yes
8079 00/04/18 21:30:17.14 Maxbc 110.22 +74.98 736 n/a n/a 8079 BURST 69.78 76.19 5.3 yes yes
8079 00/04/18 21:30:17.14 Original 51.01 +71.66 1298 n/a n/a 8079 BURST 69.78 76.19 5.3 yes yes
8078 00/04/18 11:50:01.20 Maxbc 33.80 +15.99 576 n/a n/a 8078 FLARE 25.67 10.79 0.3 yes
8078 00/04/18 11:50:01.20 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8078 FLARE 25.67 10.79 0.3 yes
8077 00/04/17 23:35:07.51 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8077 BURST 230.66 -3.84 8.7 yes
8077 00/04/17 23:35:07.51 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8077 BURST 230.66 -3.84 8.7 yes
8076 00/04/15 16:38:21.17 Maxbc 207.37 -14.98 448 n/a n/a 8076 BURST 157.99 -61.89 2.9 yes
8076 00/04/15 16:38:21.17 Final 203.66 -61.21 n/a 667 yes 8076 BURST 157.99 -61.89 2.9 yes
8076 00/04/15 16:38:21.17 Original 203.66 -61.21 667 n/a yes 8076 BURST 157.99 -61.89 2.9 yes
8075 00/04/15 08:40:40.44 Maxbc 123.24 +77.02 2896 n/a n/a 8075 BURST 134.88 69.42 0.8 yes
8075 00/04/15 08:40:40.44 Final 132.08 +77.81 n/a 55814 yes 8075 BURST 134.88 69.42 0.8 yes
8075 00/04/15 08:40:40.44 Original 115.23 +80.86 2119 n/a yes 8075 BURST 134.88 69.42 0.8 yes
8074 00/04/15 00:16:10.23 Maxbc 141.67 +28.19 608 n/a n/a 8074 BURST 175.59 68.32 8.7 yes
8073 00/04/12 11:42:52.34 Locburst 192.99 -61.00 2020 n/a n/a 8073 BURST 201.39 -59.77 3.7 yes
8073 00/04/12 11:42:52.34 Maxbc 202.73 -71.25 1600 n/a n/a 8073 BURST 201.39 -59.77 3.7 yes
8073 00/04/12 11:42:52.34 Original 202.11 -62.82 4092 n/a yes 8073 BURST 201.39 -59.77 3.7 yes
8072 00/04/10 17:17:33.30 Maxbc 203.88 -3.35 272 n/a n/a 8072 BURST 209.99 -12.45 5.9 yes
8072 00/04/10 17:17:33.30 Original 210.48 -20.53 717 n/a n/a 8072 BURST 209.99 -12.45 5.9 yes
8071 00/04/09 15:00:30.07 Maxbc 311.70 +67.06 656 n/a n/a 8071 BURST 264.47 80.85 5.1 yes
8071 00/04/09 15:00:30.07 Original 272.67 +77.59 1052 n/a n/a 8071 BURST 264.47 80.85 5.1 yes
8070 00/04/08 20:45:46.61 Maxbc 2.69 +10.73 736 n/a n/a 8070 FLARE 16.55 6.64 0.3 yes
8070 00/04/08 20:45:46.61 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8070 FLARE 16.55 6.64 0.3 yes
8069 00/04/08 02:35:48.21 Locburst 136.75 +69.76 48456 n/a n/a 8069 BURST 138.48 67.24 1.4 yes
8069 00/04/08 02:35:48.21 Maxbc 126.24 +71.99 33712 n/a n/a 8069 BURST 138.48 67.24 1.4 yes
8069 00/04/08 02:35:48.21 Original 132.84 +64.66 29440 n/a n/a 8069 BURST 138.48 67.24 1.4 yes
8068 00/04/08 00:06:57.72 Maxbc 271.56 -73.43 960 n/a n/a 8068 BURST 254.13 -71.86 3.9 yes
8067 00/04/07 05:52:15.09 failmaxbc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8067 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8067 00/04/07 05:52:15.09 Original 278.77 +1.20 975 n/a yes 8067 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8067 00/04/07 05:52:15.09 Final 271.73 +77.18 n/a 62645 yes 8067 PARTICL n/a n/a n/a yes
8066 00/04/07 03:06:38.00 Maxbc 174.88 -70.58 960 n/a n/a 8066 BURST 158.09 -70.14 2.2 yes
8066 00/04/07 03:06:38.00 Final 182.73 -69.54 n/a 5513 yes 8066 BURST 158.09 -70.14 2.2 yes
8066 00/04/07 03:06:38.00 Original 180.72 -68.72 2200 n/a yes 8066 BURST 158.09 -70.14 2.2 yes
8065 00/04/04 15:19:16.47 Maxbc 9.51 +10.71 2768 n/a n/a 8065 FLARE 14.26 7.13 0.125 yes yes
8065 00/04/04 15:19:16.47 Original 12.53 +6.87 2121 n/a n/a 8065 FLARE 14.26 7.13 0.125 yes yes
8065 00/04/04 15:19:16.47 Final 12.23 +8.21 n/a 227480 yes 8065 FLARE 14.26 7.13 0.125 yes yes
8064 00/04/03 13:33:02.07 Final 46.65 +27.02 n/a 5970 yes 8064 BURST 57.22 24.68 3.5 yes yes
8064 00/04/03 13:33:02.07 Original 40.56 +26.58 1751 n/a yes 8064 BURST 57.22 24.68 3.5 yes yes
8063 00/04/02 14:30:58.55 Locburst 342.91 +6.90 5085 n/a n/a 8063 BURST 343.53 6.66 0.8 yes
8063 00/04/02 14:30:58.55 Maxbc 343.23 +4.75 4288 n/a n/a 8063 BURST 343.53 6.66 0.8 yes yes
8063 00/04/02 14:30:58.55 Final 339.13 +5.29 n/a 29281 yes 8063 BURST 343.53 6.66 0.8 yes yes
8063 00/04/02 14:30:58.55 Original 351.28 +4.17 656 n/a yes 8063 BURST 343.53 6.66 0.8 yes yes
8062 00/04/01 21:29:55.70 Maxbc 224.00 +66.81 592 n/a n/a 8062 BURST 295.94 80.61 3.0 yes
8062 00/04/01 21:29:55.70 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8062 BURST 295.94 80.61 3.0 yes
8061 00/03/31 23:43:41.81 Maxbc 54.48 +58.11 560 n/a n/a 8061 BURST 31.94 59.79 3.7 yes
8061 00/03/31 23:43:41.81 Final 36.52 +66.23 n/a 6313 yes 8061 BURST 31.94 59.79 3.7 yes yes
8061 00/03/31 23:43:41.81 Original 48.09 +56.46 662 n/a yes 8061 BURST 31.94 59.79 3.7 yes yes
8060 00/03/31 13:15:34.52 Maxbc 7.94 +5.12 1552 n/a n/a 8060 FLARE 10.30 4.19 0.2 yes yes
8060 00/03/31 13:15:34.52 Final 10.22 +5.70 n/a 45717 yes 8060 FLARE 10.30 4.19 0.2 yes yes
8060 00/03/31 13:15:34.52 Original 9.63 +4.60 3235 n/a yes 8060 FLARE 10.30 4.19 0.2 yes yes
8059 00/03/31 07:00:10.36 Original 16.74 -50.87 1133 n/a n/a 8059 BURST 19.16 -46.30 4.1 yes yes
8058 00/03/31 03:47:58.32 Maxbc 188.10 -7.97 624 n/a n/a 8058 BURST 169.47 -15.03 5.4 yes
8056 00/03/30 08:37:10.96 Maxbc 306.01 +38.84 4528 n/a n/a 8056 BURST 312.44 32.02 0.9 yes
8055 00/03/30 00:57:20.37 Maxbc 1.07 +8.19 528 n/a n/a 8055 FLARE 7.59 2.88 1.6 yes
8055 00/03/30 00:57:20.37 failed n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8055 FLARE 7.59 2.88 1.6 yes
8054 00/03/26 15:25:26.13 Maxbc 253.01 -73.53 464 n/a n/a 8054 BURST 270.81 -63.44 4.9 yes
8054 00/03/26 15:25:26.13 Original 280.38 -47.61 1397 n/a n/a 8054 BURST 270.81 -63.44 4.9 yes
8052 00/03/24 15:19:12.37 Maxbc 4.22 +2.15 5104 n/a n/a 8052 FLARE 2.95 1.87 0.06 yes yes
8052 00/03/24 15:19:12.37 Original 4.11 +3.91 2142 n/a yes 8052 FLARE 2.95 1.87 0.06 yes yes
8051 00/03/24 07:44:47.35 Maxbc 1.19 +0.67 32672 n/a n/a 8051 FLARE 1.84 1.87 0.8 yes yes
8051 00/03/24 07:44:47.35 Final 2.16 +0.18 n/a 1193057 yes 8051 FLARE 1.84 1.87 0.8 yes yes
8051 00/03/24 07:44:47.35 Original 1.97 +0.26 14736 n/a yes 8051 FLARE 1.84 1.87 0.8 yes yes
8050 00/03/24 05:10:13.75 Locburst 207.28 -25.16 3828 n/a n/a 8050 BURST 207.05 -24.03 0.8 yes
8050 00/03/24 05:10:13.75 Locburst 207.28 -25.16 3828 n/a n/a 8050 BURST 207.05 -24.03 0.8 yes
8050 00/03/24 05:10:13.75 Original 223.02 -32.92 7559 n/a n/a 8050 BURST 207.05 -24.03 0.8 yes

Older Triggers

After a while the above table gets too large and then the older entries are moved to the following tables.

Trigs 8000-8049   00-02-26 to 00-03-23
Trigs 7950-7999   00-01-14 to 00-02-26
Trigs 7900-7949   99-12-10 to 00-01-13
Trigs 7850-7899   99-11-11 to 99-12-10
Trigs 7800-7849   99-10-12 to 99-11-09
Trigs 7750-7799   99-09-03 to 99-10-11
Trigs 7700-7749   99-08-05 to 99-09-02
Trigs 7650-7699   99-07-13 to 99-08-05
Trigs 7600-7649   99-06-05 to 99-07-12
Trigs 7550-7599   99-05-06 to 99-06-05
Trigs 7500-7549   99-04-01 to 99-05-06
Trigs 7450-7499   99-03-05 to 99-03-31
Trigs 7400-7449   99-02-19 to 99-03-05
Trigs 7350-7399   99-01-24 to 99-02-19
Trigs 7300-7349   99-01-04 to 99-01-24
Trigs 7250-7299   98-12-04 to 99-01-04
Trigs 7200-7249   98-11-06 to 98-12-03
Trigs 7150-7199   98-10-11 to 98-11-05
Trigs 7100-7149   98-09-17 to 98-10-11
Trigs 7050-7099   98-09-01 to 98-09-17
Trigs 7000-7049   98-08-19 to 98-09-01
Trigs 6950-6999   98-07-27 to 98-08-19
Trigs 6900-6949   98-07-06 to 98-07-26
Trigs 6850-6899   98-06-18 to 98-07-06
Trigs 6800-6849   98-05-30 to 98-06-18
Trigs 6750-6799   98-05-10 to 98-05-30
Trigs 6700-6749   98-04-23 to 98-05-09
Trigs 6650-6699   98-03-20 to 98-04-22
Trigs 6600-6649   98-02-14 to 98-03-20
Trigs 6550-6599   97-12-29 to 98-02-13
Trigs 6500-6549   97-11-25 to 97-12-28
Trigs 6450-6499   97-10-24 to 97-11-25
Trigs 6400-6449   97-09-26 to 97-10-24
Trigs 6350-6399   97-08-28 to 97-09-26
Trigs 6300-6349   97-07-09 to 97-08-27
Trigs 6200-6299   97-04-21 to 97-07-08
Trigs 6100-6199   97-02-23 to 97-04-21
Trigs 6000-6099   97-02-03 to 97-02-23
Trigs 5900-5999   97-01-20 to 97-02-03
Trigs 5800-5899   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd
Trigs 5700-5799   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd
Trigs 5600-5699   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd
Trigs 5500-5599   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd
Trigs 5400-5499   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd
Trigs 5300-5399   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd
Trigs 5200-5299   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd
Trigs 5100-5199   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd
Trigs 5000-5099   96-mm-dd to 96-mm-dd

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This file is continuously modified by the gcn program; see the timestamp of the most recent trigger entry in the table (after hitting <reload>).

This file was last modified by a human on 10-Jun-01.