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Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park
Battle of Brandy Station

The Battle of Brandy Station was the largest cavalry battle ever fought on the North American continent. of the 20,000 soldiers involved, about 17,000 were of the mounted branch. Brandy Station is also the first battle of the war's most famous campaign - Gettysburg.

The Confederates had planned for June 9, 1863, to be a day of maneuver rather than of battle. Two of the army's three infantry corps were near Culpeper, six miles southwest of Brandy Station, poised to move into the Shenandoah Valley and thence up to Pennsylvania. Major General J.E.B. Stuart, at Brandy Station, was to screen this movement with his 9,5000-man cavalry division, while the remaining infantry corps held the attention of the Union Army at Fredericksburg, 35 miles southeast of Brandy Station.

The Federals knew that Confederate cavalry was around Culpeper, but its intelligence had not gathered information of the sizeable infantry force behind the horsemen. Army of the Potomac commander, Major General Joseph Hooker, interpreted the enemy's cavalry presence around Culpeper to be indicative of preparations for a raid of his army's supply lines. Accordingly, he ordered his Cavalry Corps commander, Brigadier General Alfred Pleasonton, to "break up Stuart's raid in its incipiency."

The Confederates apparently did not expect any harassment from the enemy cavalry, for the day before the important screening mission was scheduled to take place, the Southern troops conducted a grand review for General Robert E. Lee at Inlet Station, just two miles southwest of Brandy Station. Meanwhile, 8,000 Federal cavalryman organized into three divisions, and about 3,000 Northern infantryman were preparing to disrupt the Confederate plans.

About 4:30 a.m. on June 9th, Brigadier General John Buford's column on 5,500 soldiers splashed across the fog-shrouded Rappahannock River surprising the Confederate pickets at Beverly's Ford. Nearby Southern horsemen from Brigadier General William "Grumble" Jones' brigade, awakened by the sound of gunfire, rode into the fray partially dressed and often riding bareback. They struck Buford's leading brigade, commanded by Colonel Benjamin F. "Grimes" Davis, near a bend in the Beverly's Ford Road and temporarily checked its progress. In the fighting Davis was killed.

Davis' brigade had been stopped just short of where the Confederate Horse Artillery was camped and was vulnerable to capture. Cannoneers swung one or two guns into position and fired down the road at Buford's men, enabling the other pieces to escape and establish the foundation for the subsequent Confederate line. The artillery unlimbered at the Gee House and at St. James Church -- structures located on two knolls on either side of the Beverly's Ford Road.

Most of Jones' command rallied to the left of this Confederate artillery line, while Brigadier General Wade Hampton's brigade formed to the right. The 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry suffered the greatest casualties of any regiment participating in the battle, when it unsuccessfully charged across a field to the very muzzles of the guns at St. James Church.

Realizing that the Southern artillery blocking the direct route to Brandy Station was a force to be dislodged, Buford determined to anchor his right on the Hazel River and try to turn the Confederate left. But he found Brigade General W.H.F. "Rooney" Lee's brigade blocking his advance with some troops on a piece of high ground called Yew Ridge and some dismounted troopers positioned along a stone wall in front. After sustaining heavy losses, the Federals wrestled the stone wall away from the Confederates. Then, to the amazement of Buford's men, the Confederates began pulling back.

The Southerners were shifting to meet a new threat, adjusting to their second surprise of the day. Brigadier General David M. Gregg's Union division of about 2,800 men had orders to cross the Rappahannock at Kelly's Ford and proceed on roads leading directly into Brandy Station, but discovered his way blocked by Brigadier General Beverly Robertson's brigade. However, Gregg determined that another road network leading to the battlefield by a more circuitous route was completely unguarded. Following these roads, his lead brigade under Colonel Percy Wyndham arrived in Brandy Station about 11 a.m. Between Gregg and the battle taking place between Buford and Stuart was a prominent ridge called Fleetwood Hill. The eminence had been Stuart's headquarters, but the general was at the front and the only force on Fleetwood when Gregg arrived was a 6-pounder howitzer, which had been sent to the rear for want of reliable ammunition. Major Henry B. McClellan of Stuart's staff pressed this gun into service and sent a desperate plea to his chief for reinforcements. Wyndham meanwhile formed his men into line and charged up the western slope of Fleetwood. As he neared the crest, the lead elements of Jones' brigade, which had just withdrawn from St. James Church, rode over the crown.

Gregg's next brigade, led by Colonel Judson Kilpatrick, swung around east of Brandy Station and attacked up the southern end and the eastern slope of Fleetwood Hill, only to discover that their appearance coincided with the arrival of Hampton's Confederates. A series of confusing charges and countercharges swept back and forth across the hill. The Confederates cleared the hill for the final time, capturing three guns and inflicting 30 casualties among the 36 men of the 6th New York Light Artillery, which had attempted to give close-range support to the Federal cavalry

Colonel Alfred Duffie, with a small 1,2000-man division, was delayed by two Confederate regiments in the vicinity of Stevensburg and arrived on the field too late to participate in the action.

While Jones and Hampton withdrew from their initial positions to fight at Fleetwood Hill, "Rooney" Lee continued to confront Buford, falling back to the northern end of the hill. Reinforced by Colonel Thomas Munford, commanding the brigade of the ailing Fitzhugh Lee, "Rooney" Lee launched a counterattack against Buford at the same time as Pleasonton had called for a general withdrawal, and the battle was over.

Despite being surprised by his adversary twice in the same day, Stuart was able to retain the field. Union losses numbered 866; Confederate casualties were reported at 575. But the overwhelming superiority that the Confederate cavalry once enjoyed was gone.

Directions to the Battlefield

Follow the directions and map carefully for a tour of the Brandy Station battlefield. please respect the rights of private landowners when visiting the field. To reach the battlefield from Fredericksburg or Chancellorsville, proceed west on Rt. 3 to Stevensburg, about 17 miles west of Chancellorsville. Turn right on Rt. 663 and go 3.8 miles to Brandy Station, where the main road will become Rt. 700. Follow Rt. 700 for only 0.2 mile. Turn left on Rt. 669 and go 0.1 mile. Turn left on Rt. 762. After traveling 0.5 mile, an historical marker (A) will be on the left side of the road. Another 1.5 miles farther, turn right on Rt. 342 and pull in the visitor parking area of the Virginia State Police area office.

Stop 1 - Grand Review Site. The site of two Confederate cavalry reviews, including the June 8th affair held for Robert E. Lee, occurred on the other side of the state police building. The fields trampled over by Southern horsemen were owned by the prominent Unionist John Minor Botts.

Turn left on Rt. 762 and backtrack to Brandy Station. Turn left on Rt. 663 and go 0.2 mile, carefully crossing Rt. 15/29. Turn right on Rt. 685 and go 0.3 mile, pulling off on the shoulder to the left, adjacent the carnival grounds.

Stop 2 - Gregg's Attack The ridge before you is Fleetwood Hill. The prominent building to your left is the Barbour house, called "Beauregard" (B). Gregg's lead brigade under Wyndham attacked over the ground in front of you -- primarily on the ground to the right of the road. Gunners of the 6th New York Light Artillery manning three cannon suffered heavy losses on the slight knoll (C) just across Flat Run.

Continue ahead for 0.6 mile and park on the right side of the road where steps lead up to a United Daughters of the Confederacy historical marker.

Stop 3 - Fleetwood Hill. Stuart's headquarters were on this site the eve of the battle, and it was here that H.B. McClellan ably directed reinforcements to counter Gregg's attack. While facing the marker, Kilpatrick's attack came from your left front, and the 1st Maine Regiment of that brigade charged all the way to the Barbour house 9B), at a time when General Robert E. Lee was observing the battle from the structure.

Continue straight ahead for 0.8 mile and turn left on Rt. 676. Then 06. down the road, Rt. 676 will turn to the left, and Rt. 677 will continue straight ahead. Follow Rt. 677 for 1.2 miles to a slight bend in the road. (Caution: The hard surface road will change to gravel, which can be muddy during wet weather.)

Stop 4 - Mortal Wounding of "Grimes" Davis This road continues across private property to Beverly's Ford. Buford's division, with "Grimes" Davis brigade in the lead, crossed the ford early on June 9th and advanced to this bend in the road, where it was assailed by "Grumble" Jones' Confederates. In the brief melee Davis was shot from the saddle. Startled and momentarily leaderless, Davis' men took cover, giving Stuart time to prepare a defensive line near St. James Church.

Turn around and drive 1.2 miles to the junction of Rt. 676. Turn right and go 0.2 mile, stopping at the far edge of the woods on your left.

Stop 5 - St. James Church. The church stood in the woods to your left-rear, and several pieces of Major Robert F. Beckham's horse artillery were posted here. The charge of the 6th Pennsylvania Cavalry was made across the field to your right. "Rooney" Lee's Yew Ridge position (D) is visible in the distance to your left-front.

Select a place to turn around and return to the intersection of Rts. 676 and 677. Ahead of you, as you face the intersection, is Gee House Hill (E), another key Confederate artillery position during the battle

This concludes your tour. The battlefields of Cedar Mountain, Bristoe Station, Kelly's Ford, Mine Run and Rappahannock Station are also in this area. Written guides are available for those as well at the visitor centers at Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.

To return to Rt. 15/29, turn right and continue on Rt. 676, proceed to the end of the road, and turn left on Rt. 685. When you reach Rt. 15/29, turn right to reach Culpeper and left to go toward Warrenton.

For more information on the battle and preservation of the battlefield, see Brandy Station Foundation's website.

Map of Brandy Station Battlefield Tour
Map of Brandy Station Battlefield Tour
Fleetwood Hill on the Brandy Station Battlefield
Fleetwood Hill on the Brandy Station Battlefield
Graffiti House on the Brandy Station battlefield  

Did You Know?
The Graffiti House is the headquarters of the Brandy Station Foundation. It contains graffiti left by Civil War soldiers.

Last Updated: January 20, 2007 at 14:45 EST