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USDA Forest Service
Recreation, Heritage & Wilderness Resources
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You are here: Home > Passes & Permits > Recreation Fees and Passes > Accomplishments


Who paid for the nice restroom at my favorite campground? How much money was received from Recreation Fees? How many miles of trails were maintained? How many youth worked on summer recreation crews because of the Recreation Fee Program?

To find out answers, check out the national, regional and local accomplishment reports to see how and where funds were spent.


Reports to Congress include information on all federal agencies that charge fees under the Recreation Enhancement Act and under the old Fee Demo authority. Under the new Act, Reports to Congress will be required beginning May 2006 and every three years thereafter.


The majority of proceeds from the sale of passes goes right back into maintaining and improving the things you use most like bridges, buildings, trails, boat ramps, and visitor centers. Funds also provide services like interpretive tours and cleaning up sites.

Check out these quick snapshots below showing the kinds of work done with your fees. For a more comprehensive understanding of how much was collected and how it was used, check out the national, regional and local accomplishment reports.

Review regional and forest projects and see how fee revenue is spent.

  • Region 3 - Red Rocks Accomplishments (FY 04 - 790 KB PDF)
  • Region 4 - Intermountain Region Accomplishments (web site)
  • Region 5 - Pacific Southwest Accomplishments (web site)
  • Region 6 - Pacific Northwest Accomplishments (web site)

[Photo: San Gabriel Canyon Recreation]

San Gabriel Canyon attracts thousands of visitors on hot summer days. In 2004, recreation fees helped pay for additional field rangers who worked on health and safety issues, and provided both interpretation and conservation education support.
[Photo: New boat launch in Oregon.]
This new Oregon boat launch and parking facility was completed in 2004 using recreation fees as well as Forest Service funds and grant dollars.
[Photo: Repairing trails in Oregon.]
Repairing trails and keeping them free of vegetation is a big job in Oregon Forests.

[Photo: Wilderness Crews use a whipsaw clearing trail.]

Wilderness crews use a whipsaw in 2004 to remove a large tree from a trail in California



[Photo: Garbage dumped on national forest land.]
One ranger district in California had to remove 460 cubic yards of trash using recreation fees in 2004.


[Photo: Mount St. Helens Visitor Information Center in Washington.]
Fees helped operate the visitors center at Mount St. Helens in Washington.



US Forest Service
Last modified September 08, 2008

[graphic] USDA logo, which links to the department's national site. [graphic] Forest Service logo, which links to the agency's national site. [graphic] A link to the US Forest Service home page.