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Stomach Disorders

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Also called: Also called: Gastric disorders

The stomach is an organ between the esophagus and the small intestine. It is where digestion of protein begins. The stomach has three tasks. It stores swallowed food. It mixes the food with stomach acids. Then it sends the mixture on to the small intestine.

You have probably had a problem with your stomach at one time or another. Indigestion and heartburn are common problems. You can relieve some stomach problems with over-the-counter medicines and lifestyle changes, such as avoiding fatty foods or eating more slowly. Other problems like peptic ulcers or GERD require medical attention.

You should see a doctor if you have any of the following:

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

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The primary NIH organization for research on Stomach Disorders is the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases -

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Date last updated: October 20 2008
Topic last reviewed: September 16 2008