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Press Release


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 01, 2005


Schumer Holds Personal Meeting with Judge Michael Chertoff, Secures Assurance He Will Pursue EIT’s Technology

Endicott Interconnect Technologies Developing State-of-the-Art Bomb-Detecting Device; With Federal Approval, Airports and Governmental Agencies Can Purchase Critical Equipment

US Senator Charles E. Schumer late last week met with the new Homeland Security Secretary nominee, Judge Michael Chertoff, and pressed him to look into Endicott Interconnect Technology (EIT)'s plans for a high-tech bomb detecting device. When EIT and partner companies get the device certified by the Transportation Security Administration, it can be sold to airports and other government agencies for lucrative contracts. Chertoff was receptive to Schumer’s request and said he would study EIT’s progress.

“I wanted to meet with Judge Chertoff to impress upon him how valuable EIT’s products and services can be to our national security,” Schumer said. “EIT has developed first-rate technology and this could mean a big boost for EIT and the Southern Tier. On the heels of the Lockheed 101 announcement, this could be the beginning of a turnaround for the entire region.”

EIT plans to manufacture a bomb-detecting device that is designed to be much faster than existing ones, processing 1000 bags per hour as opposed to the 300 that current devices can scan. In addition, this device will have fewer false alarms (10% as opposed to the 30% that current ones experience), and is less expensive than current technology.

To be able to sell the device to airports and other government agencies for potentially lucrative contracts, there needs to be official TSA certification. SureScan, a wholly owned subsidiary of EIT, is currently in close communications with the TSA and should be submitting for certification in the coming months.
Schumer has been active in EIT’s certification process, which involves sending the unit down to the Atlantic City TSA testing facility for rigorous tests to insure that the device performs at the levels specified by the company. In summer of 2003, Schumer persuaded the federal Transportation Security Administration that the device EIT is planning to build would be ideal for airports and government agencies to use.


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