USDA Forest Service

Boise National Forest


Boise National Forest
1249 S. Vinnell Way
Boise, ID 83709
(208) 373-4100
TTY: (208) 373-4265


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Forest Management

Boise, Payette, and Sawtooth National Forests Plan Revision

Invasive Weed program for the Boise and Sawtooth National Forests



A Bit Of Forest Management History

Many places in the Boise National Forest have ten times as many trees per acre than 100 years ago. The mix of tree species in the forest has changed too. There is a greater proportion of non-fire resistant species. Under these conditions, forests are vulnerable to uncharacteristically large and damaging fires, severe insect infestations, and severe disease outbreaks. These conditions are due to past logging practices and the exclusion of fire.

In the 1980s, the Boise Forest experienced the largest western pine beetle infestation ever recorded. Then, between 1990 and 1995, 500,000 acres (about 20%) of the Forest burned in wildland fires.

Today, the Boise Forest is working to restore more sustainable conditions in vulnerable forest areas - ones at risk to uncharacteristic wildfires or severe insect and disease outbreaks.

Vegetation Management Tools:

Reducing the number of small diameter Douglas-fir trees while keeping larger diameter ponderosa pine trees. Or, removing grand fir trees then planting the area with ponderosa pine.

Commercial timber sales are a tool the Forest Service can use to manage vegetation on a large scale.

Juvenile spacing removes small trees that would cause the stand to exceed historical densities or alter the historic species distribution.

Prescribed fires burn up seedlings and small trees as well as needle and branch accumulation on the forest floor. Prescribed fires are lit under carefully considered and monitored conditions. For more info on prescribed fire, go to





US Forest Service - Boise National Forest
Last Modified: Thursday, 05 April 2007 at 18:28:12 EDT

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