USDA Forest Service

Boise National Forest


Boise National Forest
1249 S. Vinnell Way
Boise, ID 83709
(208) 373-4100
TTY: (208) 373-4265


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The brochures are in portable document format (PDF), which can be read by Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free software. Download it now.

2007 Forest Highlights (3/2008) (PDF 417 KB)
An annual report for the Boise National Forest

2006 Forest Highlights (3/2007) (PDF 5 MB)
An annual report for the Boise National Forest

"A Forest In Focus" (06/2000) (PDF 885 KB)
This booklet provides an overview of the actions that are being taken to implement the Forest Service “Natural Resource Agenda” on the Boise National Forest.

Lime Creek Aspen and Wildlife Restoration Project (9/2004)(PDF 695 KB)
Explains the use of prescribed fire for a project to enhance aspen in the Lime Creek Area near Pine, Idaho.

Recreation Brochures

Driving Cross-Country: Off-Road Vehicle Use (9/2004) (PDF 594 KB)
This brochure describes, through words and pictures, what is and is not OK for motorized travel in Zone E on the Boise National Forest Visitor Map.

Sentries at the Skyline: Boise National Forest Fire Lookouts (08/2002) (PDF 700 K)
The Lookout brochure includes a map of the fire lookouts in the Boise National Forest and gives etiquette for visiting staffed lookouts during the summer.

Winter Wildlife Viewing Guide (03/2002)(PDF 300 K)
The road between Banks and Lowman is prime winter range for Rocky Mountain elk. Follow the wildlife viewing tips in the brochure to ensure the safety of the wildlife in this area.


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USDA Forest Service - Your National Forest
Last Modified: Wednesday, 12 March 2008 at 11:34:36 EDT

USDA logo which links to the department's national site. Forest Service logo which links to the agency's national site.