US Forest Service

Boise National Forest


Boise National Forest
1249 S. Vinnell Way
Boise, ID 83709
(208) 373-4100
TTY: (208) 373-4265


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Projects & Plans

Schedule of Proposed Actions

The Forest publishers a Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA) four times a year: January, April, July and October. To view the current SOPA, visit the Forest Service SOPA page for the Boise National Forest.

July - September, 2008 - A quarterly statement of all proposed projects on the Forest. (pdf 138 KB)

Appeals and Litigation

Forest Service managers make many resource management decisions, which may be subject to appeal (request to a higher authority for administrative review of a decision).

Click here to view appeal and objection responses issued prior to October 1, 2006. You will view these on the Intermountain Region web site, which will open in a new browser window.

Click here to view appeal responses for the Boise National Forest issued after October 1, 2006. You will view these on the National Appeals web site, which will open in a new browser window.

Pre-Decisional Objections

Proposed Forest Service Decisions regarding hazardous fuel reduction projects ar subject to a "pre-decisional" review process. In these cases, the public may submit comments on the project for consideration prior to the final decision being signed.

Click here to view appeal and objection responses issued prior to October 1, 2006. You will view these on the Intermountain Region web site, which will open in a new browser window.

Click here to view objection responses for the Boise National Forest issued after October 1, 2006. You will view these on the National Objections web site, which will open in a new browser window.

Local Projects

Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the environmental effects of a proposed activity on National Forest or other federal lands must first be analyzed, with opportunity for public comment, before a decision is made on whether or not to undertake that activity.

Environmental analysis is currently underway for the following major projects on the Boise National Forest. Click on the links below for more information about each project.

Lowman Ranger District Roadside Hazard Tree Removal EA (8/08)

SFSR Recreation Access Management Project (8/08)

Middle Fork Salvage Project (6/08)

South Fork Salmon River Hazard Tree Removal Project (4/08)

Spruce Creek Project (5/07)

Scriver Creek Integrated Restoration Project (1/07)

Danskin/Camas Land Exchange (5/08)

Motorized Wheeled-Vehicle Route Designation (updated 5/08)

Wheeled motorized route designations for Mountain Home Ranger District.

Knox Resource Management Project (8/05)

Proposed Action Reports for Range Allotments:

Range Allotment Decisions:

Off-Highway Travel Management Project

Shafer Project

Appeal Decisions

Appeal decisions for projects in the Intermountain Region (including the Boise National Forest) are located here.

US Forest Service - Boise National Forest
Last Modified: Friday, 05 September 2008 at 10:58:01 EDT

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