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Chromosome Aberration Case List

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Displaying Investigations 1 to 100 of 216 found
From 167 References and 216 Cases

Adeyinka et al 1999, Int J Cancer
Case No. 30 Adenocarcinoma Breast
46,XX,+i(1)(q10),del(5)(p11),t(7;?8)(q35;p12),?der(12)t(12;17)(q15;q11),add (13)(q14),-17

Alimena et al 1990, Bone Marrow Transplant
Case No. 31 Chronic myeloid leukemia, t(9;22)

Antonini et al 1989, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 1 Adenocarcinoma Thyroid

Antonini et al 1992, Genes Chromosomes Cancer
Case No. 17 Adenocarcinoma Thyroid

Au et al 2002, Leuk Lymphoma
Case No. 3 Mantle cell lymphoma
41-47,X,-X,add(1)(q21),-2,-4,-5,-6,add(6)(q25),add(7)(q35),i(8)(q10),-9,-9, -10,der(11)t(11;14)(q13;q32),-12,-13,der(14)add(14)(p11)t(11;14),-15,del (16)(q22),-17,+5-9mar

Babicka et al 2007, Leuk Res
Case No. 11 Acute myeloid leukemia, NOS
45,XY,del(5)(q13q33),del(7)(q22q35),dup(11)(q?),der(17)t(17;21)(p11;?),der (20)t(20;21)(q12;?),-21/44,XY,del(4)(q32),del(5),der(7)t(3;7)(q?;q21),-15, der(16)t(15;16)(?;q22),der(17)t(17;21),der(20)t(20;21),-21

Baer et al 1990, Leukemia
Case No. 3 Acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation (FAB type M2)
44,XY,del(1)(p13),-3,-5,der(6)t(5;6)(q31;p25),del(7)(q21),der(7)t(7;17) (q35;q11),+8,-12,der(16)t(3;16)(q22;q24),-17,-20,+2mar/44,idem,+del(5) (q31)/43,idem,-17,-19,+20,-mar

Bakshi et al 2003, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 1 Acute myeloid leukemia, NOS

Bardi et al 1993, Int J Cancer
Case No. 39 Adenocarcinoma Large intestine
46,XX,t(1;4)(q23;p16),der(7)t(7;13)(q11;q12),del(8)(p11-12),-13,der(16)t (7;16)(q11;q13),der(21)t(16;21)(q13;q22),+mar/94,XXX,der(X)t(X;12)(q28;q15), +del(6)(q21),der(7)t(7;12)(q32-36;q13-15),del(12)(q13),+mar

Baro et al 2008, Leuk Res
Case No. 13 Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
47-49,X,-X,+r(1)(p36q44),+der(3)t(3;8)(q11;q24),+del(7)(q32q35),der(8)t (3;8)(q?;p11)t(3;8)(?q?;q22),t(9;14)(p13;q32),+der(11),t(14;19)(q32;q13)

Benitez et al 1992, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 6 Mature B-cell neoplasm, NOS
50-52,XY,-2,t(2;3)(q21;q27),del(3)(p25),-4,del(6)(q23),+del(7)(q35),add(10) (p?),-11,+12,add(14)(q32),+22,+3-5mar

Berger et al 1987, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 84 Acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation (FAB type M2)

Berger et al 1990, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 13 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma
Case No. 27 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Berger et al 2003, Leukemia
Case No. 27 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma
47,XY,del(7)(q22q35),del(9)(p21),-15,+t(15;22)(q14;q12-13)x2,+21,-22/47, idem,del(4)(q?26q32)

Bernard et al 1993, Leukemia
Case No. 1 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Bertrand et al 2007, Leukemia
Case No. 10 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
92,XXYY,+Y,-1,add(1)(p11),add(1)(q31),-2,add(2)(p12),+3,+3,add(3)(p11)x2, add(3)(q12)x2,-6,-6,add(7)(q35),add(8)(q24),add(11)(q23),add(12)(p11),add (13)(p11),dup(14)(q32q23),-16,-16,-17,i(17)(q10),-18,-18,-20,+8mar

Beyer et al 2004, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 80 Myelodysplastic syndrome, NOS

Boonstra et al 2003, Hum Pathol
Case No. 5 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
46,XY,add(2)(q32),del(3)(q27),der(3)add(3)(p21)?add(3)(q2?7),add(4)(q3?1), add(5)(q11),add(7)(q31) or del(7)(q31q35),der(8)t(3;8)(p24;q24),-14,del(15) (q23),-16,add(17)(q24),der(18)t(8;18)(q24;q22),add(19)(p13),der(19)t(1;19) (q11;p13),+2mar

Boonstra et al 2003, Mod Pathol
Case No. 6 Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
Case No. 8 Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma

Brezinova et al 2007, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 33 Refractory anemia

Bridge et al 1990, Am J Clin Pathol
Case No. 2 Clear cell sarcoma Soft tissue
66,XXY,i(1)(q10),-4,-5,del(6)(q12),+7,add(7)(q35)x2,+8,-9,-10,-11,-12,+13, +15,del(16)(q12),-18,add(19)(q13),add(20)(q13)

Brito-Babapulle et al 1986, Blood
Case No. 7 Mycosis fungoides/Sézary syndrome

Brito-Babapulle et al 1987, Blood
Case No. 2 T-prolymphocytic leukemia
Case No. 3 T-prolymphocytic leukemia

Busson Le Coniat et al 2000, Leukemia
Case No. 3 Acute myeloblastic leukemia with minimal differentiation (FAB type M0)
46,XX,der(2)t(1;2)(q12;q37),t(9;22)(q34;q11)/47,idem,+der(22)t(9;22)/48, idem,+15/47,XX,der(2)t(1;2),t(9;22),+ider(22)(q10)t(9;22)/46,XX,der(2)t (1;2),add(7)(q35),t(9;22)

Busson-Le Coniat et al 1999, Leukemia
Case No. 20 Mature B-cell neoplasm, NOS
46,XX,add(1)(q21),del(7)(q35),del(9)(p12),add(14)(q32)/47,idem,+3/47,XX, +del(7),del(9),add(14)

Cabanillas et al 1988, Cancer Res
Case No. 18 Peripheral T-cell lymphoma, unspecified
86,XY,-X,-Y,+der(2)del(2)(p12)del(2)(q11q21)x2,+der(2)t(2;11)(q11;q13),-3, der(3)t(3;8)(p24;q1?),-4,-5,-6,-6,der(7)(q?),dup(7)(q32q11),+inv(7) (p15q35)x2,-8,-8,+9,del(9)(p12)x2,-10,-10,del(10)(q25),+11,+11,-12,inv(12) (p1?q23),-13,add(13)(p1?)x2,-14,-14,add(14)(q32),-15,-15,-15,-15,-16,add (16)(q23),-17,add(17)(q24),-18,-18,add(19)(q11),der(19)t(17;19)(q12;p11), -20,-20,-21,-21,-21,-22,-22,-22,-22,+19mar

Carbone et al 1992, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 4 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (FAB type M4)

Charrin et al 2004, Blood
Case No. 22 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma
66-70,XXX,add(2)(q37),-3,-4,-7,del(7)(q21q35),-9,-14,-15,-17,+19,+21,+22, +1-5mar

Chauveinc et al 1999, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 3 Liposarcoma, myxoid/round cell Soft tissue
41,XX,add(1)(q12),add(2)(p1?),ins(2;?)(q23;?),add(3)(p25),-4,t(7;12) (q35;q13),del(10)(p11),-13,-14,-17,-17,-21,+mar/76-83,idemx2,der(3;10)t (3;10)(q26;p11)del(10)(p11),del(11)(p14)x2

Chen et al 2007, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 10 Acute myeloid leukemia, NOS

Cosimi et al 1990, Pathologica
Case No. 2 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
Case No. 3 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
Case No. 4 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
Case No. 5 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma
Case No. 6 Angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma

Costa et al 2003, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 4 T-prolymphocytic leukemia
46-48,XY,del(1)(q25),der(5),+6,del(7)(q35),+8,del(11)(q22q23),der(12),del (13)(q14q14),der(14),der(18)

Cuneo et al 1992, Leuk Res
Case No. 1 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (FAB type M7)

Dal Cin et al 1995, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 1 Phyllodes tumor, benign Breast
46,XX,i(1)(q10)x2,+der(1)t(1;1)(q25;p31),inv(5)(p13q13),del(6)(q21),der(7)t (2;7)(q12;q35),-14

Dascalescu et al 1999, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 2 Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
Case No. 4 Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
Case No. 5 Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma
Case No. 6 Mature B-cell neoplasm, NOS
Case No. 8 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
46,XX,del(7)(q31q35),dup(12)(q13q15),t(9;14)(p13;q32)/47,idem,+8,del(11) (q14q23),del(13)(q11q21)

Dastugue et al 2002, Blood
Case No. 35 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (FAB type M7)
Case No. 43 Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (FAB type M7)
60-64,XX,-Y,-2,-4,-5,add(6)(p22-25),del(6)(q21q24),del(7)(q32q35),-8,-9,der (11)t(4;11)(q28;q22),i(12)(p10)x2,der(13)t(8;13)(q13;p11),-15,-16,-18,-21, +4mar

Douet-Guilbert et al 2004, Leuk Lymphoma
Case No. 15 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Dreyling et al 1998, Blood
Case No. 10 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma
Case No. 8 Acute myeloblastic leukemia with minimal differentiation (FAB type M0)
48,XY,+3,add(7)(q33-35),der(9)x2,+der(9),t(10;11)(p13;q21),der(12)t(12;18) (p11;q11),-18,+mar

Döhner et al 1998, Blood
Case No. 1 Myelodysplastic syndrome, NOS
Case No. 13 Acute myeloid leukemia, NOS
Case No. 2 Myelodysplastic syndrome, NOS

Ferti et al 1988, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 2 Adenocarcinoma Large intestine
52-68,XX,del(1)(p36),del(3)(p14),del(6)(q13-14),add(7)(q35-36),i(8)(q10), inc

Finn et al 1996, Am J Clin Pathol
Case No. 10 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Finn et al 1998, Am J Hematol
Case No. 21 Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
46,XY,del(6)(q23q27),t(12;14)(p13;q21)/46,idem,del(7)(q32q36)/46,XY,t(1;9) (p36;q22)/46,XY,del(6)(q15q26)/46,XY,del(17)(p11)/46,XY,t(6;12)(p22;q13)/46, XY,add(7)(q35)

Fitzgerald et al 1991, Blood
Case No. 1 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Fitzgerald et al 1992, Blood
Case No. 1 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Fleischman et al 1992, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 3 Adenocarcinoma Large intestine
50-56,XX,del(1)(p11)x2,+del(1)(p13),+3,+add(3)x2,del(4)(p12),+del(6)(q15), add(7)(q35),+i(8)(q10)x2,t(8;13)(p11;q11)x2,add(11)(q23),-17,der(20)t (17;20)(q21;p12),+18,-21

Fletcher et al 1991, N Engl J Med
Case No. 49 Malignant fibrous histiocytoma Soft tissue
106-200,XX?,add(X)(q22)x2,del(1)(q21),del(2)(p15),add(4)(q31),del(5) (q14q34),del(6)(q15),add(7)(q35),add(7)(q12),i(7)(q10),add(9)(p23),add(17) (p13),inc

GFCH 1993, Leukemia
Case No. 2 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

GFCH 1996, Blood
Case No. 4 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Gazzo et al 2003, Haematologica
Case No. 7 Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma

Gazzo et al 2007, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 25 Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma
46,XX,der(3)?inv(3)(q13q26)ins(5;3)(?;q24),der(5)ins(5;3),del(7)(q35)/46, idem,der(15)t(5;15)(?;q26)
Case No. 8 Splenic marginal zone B-cell lymphoma

Gerbault-Seureau et al 1987, Ann Genet
Case No. 1 Adenocarcinoma Breast

Gladstone et al 1998, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 23 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Graux et al 2004, Nat Genet
Case No. 3 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma
48,XY,t(3;11)(p12;p15),t(7;10)(q35;q24),t(8;10)(q21;q21),del(9)(p21),r(9) (q34q34),+11,+12

Hagemeijer et al 1990, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 104 Mesothelioma Pleura
90,XXY,-Y,del(1)(q22)x2,add(3)(q13)x2,der(4)t(3;4)(q21;q35)x2,-5,-5,-6,+7, +7,+del(7)(q22)x2,t(7;14)(q35;q12)x2,der(8)x2,del(9)(p21),del(9)(q13q33)x2, -10,-10,der(13)t(13;16)(p13;q11)x2,-15,+16,add(16)(q10)x3,-22,-22, +mar/175-189,idemx2
Case No. 73 Mesothelioma Pleura
43-44,Y,der(X),-1,del(1)(q42),-2,der(3)t(3;5)(q22;q13),-4,add(4)(p?),del(5) (p14),del(5)(q?),del(6)(q12q24),-7,del(7)(q35),add(8)(q?),-9,add(10)(p?), add(11)(q24),del(11)(q21),add(12)(q22),add(13)(p?),add(15)(q?),del(15)(q?), ?der(18),-19,-21,-22,+r,+2-4mar/74-86,idemx2/147-155,idemx4

Hainsworth et al 1991, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 104 Adenocarcinoma Breast
41-61,XX,add(1)(p32),add(1)(q32),add(3)(q25),add(7)(q35),del(10)(p13),add (11)(q25),add(12)(p13),add(15)(p13),add(16)(p13),add(19)(q13),inc

Harder et al 2003, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 1 Acute myeloid leukemia, NOS
54-56,XY,+Y,del(2)(q22),add(3)(p11),del(5)(q14q34),+6,del(7)(q21q35),+i(8) (q10)x2,+10,+11,+13,+14,?add(15)(q26),add(17)(p11),-18,+22,+mar/46,XY,t (9;22)(q34;q11)

Harrison et al 2003, Br J Haematol
Case No. 10 Multiple myeloma
65-66,X,-X,-X,+1,+1,der(1;19)(q10;q10)x3,+2,ins(2;8)(p?;?)x2,+3,dup(3)x2,-4, der(6)t(4;6),+der(6)t(6;9),der(7)t(6;7)(q?;q35),-10,+11,-12,-13,-14,+15,-16, +21,-22

Hasle et al 1999, Leukemia
Case No. 121 Acute myeloblastic leukemia without maturation (FAB type M1)

Hassler et al 2006, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 1 Astrocytoma, grade III-IV Brain
46,XY,del(7)(q35),del(10)(p12),del(17)(p13),-20,del(22)(q12)/69-72,XY,-X,+Y, +i(1)(q10),del(7),+del(9)(p21),del(10),del(17),-20,del(22)

Hayashi et al 1990, Leukemia
Case No. 11 Bilineage or biphenotypic leukemia

Ioakim-Liossi et al 1999, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 24 Adenocarcinoma Ovary
48-52,-X,add(X)(p22),add(1)(p11),dic(1;11)(p11;p11),del(5)(p11),add(6) (q16-21),+dic(7;17)(q35;p11),+add(8)(p22),del(11)(p11),+der(11)t(11;12) (p11;q11),-12,-17,der(19)t(?17;19)(q11;q10),inc

Iwase et al 2000, Leuk Res
Case No. 1 Acute erythroleukemia (FAB type M6)
56-61,X,-Y,+1,+2,+4,-5 or del(5),+6,+6,add(7)(q35),+8,add(11)(q23),+14,+15, add(17),+21,+22,+5-7mar

Jeandidier et al 2006, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 13 Acute myelomonocytic leukemia (FAB type M4)
Case No. 27 Acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation (FAB type M2)
Case No. 8 Acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation (FAB type M2)

Jin et al 2006, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 13 Squamous cell carcinoma Oral cavity
78-83,XX,-X,i(3)(q10),+5,+7,add(7)(q22)x2,+der(7)t(3;7)(q12;q35),+8,+9,+9, +9,+10,+11,+12,+12,-13,+14,+15,+?del(16)(q22),?add(18)(q11),+20,+20,-21,?i (22)(p10),+2mar

Kahl et al 2001, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 8 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Kakati et al 1975, Cancer
Case No. 4 Carcinoma, NOS Lung
85-90,XXYY,+Y,+Y,del(1)(q2?),add(3)(p11),add(7)(q35),i(9)(q10),add(21)(q11), inc

Kamada et al 1992, Cancer Res
Case No. 97 Adult T-cell lymphoma/leukemia (HTLV-1+)

Kaneko et al 1988, Blood
Case No. 2 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma
Case No. 3 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Kearns et al 2004, Genes Chromosomes Cancer
Case No. 7 Myelodysplastic syndrome, NOS

Keller et al 2006, Hum Pathol
Case No. 20 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
88-99,XXXX,add(1)(p36),del(2)(q33),der(3)add(3)(p24)add(3)(q27),-4,del(6) (q12)x3,del(7)(q31q35)x2,-8,-8,-8,+9,add(11)(p15),-14,-16,-16,del(17) (p11)x2,-19,+1-13mar

Kere et al 1987, Blood
Case No. 1 Refractory anemia with excess of blasts (FAB)

Kern et al 2002, Leukemia
Case No. 22 Acute myeloid leukemia, NOS
46,XX,del(7)(q22q32),t(8;21)/46,XX,der(1)t(1;15)(p36;q22),t(8;21),t(10;18) (q22;q12)/46,XX,inv(1)(p35q21),t(1;7)(p34;q35),t(8;21)/46,XX,t(5;17) (q22;p13),del(6)(q23),t(8;21),dup(15)(q11q26),der(16)t(5;16)(?;p13)

Kiechle-Schwarz et al 1991, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 6 Leiomyoma Uterus, corpus

Knuutila et al 1994, Eur J Haematol
Case No. 1 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
52,XX,+X,t(2;8)(p12;q24),+?i(5)(p10)x2,add(7)(q32),+del(7)(q35),add(9)(q34), +12,t(14;18)(q32;q21),+21/54,idem,+2mar

Konstantinova et al 1991, Hum Genet
Case No. 12 Adenocarcinoma Large intestine
56-60,X,-Y,del(1)(p12),-4,-5,del(7)(q35),i(8)(q10),i(11)(p10),i(11)(q10), -12,+13,add(16)(q24),i(17)(q10),-18,-19,+20,-21,-22

Kovacs et al 2004, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 23 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma
43,X,-Y,dup(1)(q32q42),add(7)(q34-36),add(11)(p10),der(15;21)(q10;q10),del (17)(p11),-18

Kumari et al 2003, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 32 Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoblastic lymphoma

Kwong et al 1998, Cancer Genet Cytogenet
Case No. 1 Acute myeloblastic leukemia with maturation (FAB type M2)

Lai et al 1989, Ann Genet
Case No. 22 Burkitt lymphoma/leukemia

Le Baccon et al 2001, Genes Chromosomes Cancer
Case No. 46 Multiple myeloma
44,X,-X,del(7)(q22q35),del(8)(p13),-13,add(14)(q24),der(16)t(1;16)(q21;q12), der(18)t(1;18)(q12;q23),+19,-20,-22,+mar

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