Raw images have some problems which are usually corrected by processing. Vidicon cameras -- 1970's technology used on the Voyagers and the Viking Orbiters -- have additional problems; they distort the image and add a hard-to-predict shading factor to the intensities. To allow image processing to correct for the first problem, the cameras were made with a grid of black dots, called reseau marks or reseaux, which make viewing the raw image even harder. For more information, see the introduction to the PDS documentation.

However, those of us who do image processing are very glad that PDS released images in raw format. Had they released only processed images, valuable information that algorithms such as our super-resolution algorithm would probably have been discarded.

Therefore, this atlas will mainly be useful to people (such as planetary scientists) who have a very specific interest in high-resolution images of particular sites on Mars, or who need unprocessed images.