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On-site Training
The Technical Assistance for Employers Program (TA) employs a staff of professional trainers, all experts in employment law. Because of our close working relationships with enforcement divisions, TA trainers can provide you with the very latest in employment law developments and trends. You can attend any of TA's monthly seminar offerings, order our handbooks or other publications, or you can contract with TA for personalized management training at your work site.
Employer Information Line
TA trainers staff a free information line to confidentially answer your questions about employment laws. The number is 971-673-0824. You may reach a voice mail recording, but if you leave your name, number and your question in brief form, TA will return the call within the next 24 hours (we usually can return your call the same day).
On-site Training and Consultations
You can contact a TA trainer at 971-673-0824, to set up management or employee training at your business site. On-site seminars are $250 an hour--a cost-effective way to train your entire staff on such important workplace issues as fair employment rights or sexual harassment.
The benefits of an "on-site" program are many. Training can save your company time and money by helping you learn how to avoid inadvertent violations of wage and hour and civil rights law. Our programs are tailored to focus on issues that specifically meet the training needs of your company. Finally, the time and location can be chosen by you to minimize travel costs and maximize employee participation.
Here are some of the topics TA covers:
  • Effective supervision
  • State and federal disability laws
  • Writing company policies
  • Wage and hour law including payroll, hours worked, employee classification and final paychecks
  • Fair employment practices, including civil rights law and sexual harassment
  • Hiring the fair and legal way
  • Employee discipline and termination
  • Coaching for success
  • Family leave, including state and federal laws, eligibility and reinstatement rights
On-site Consultation Fees
On-site training sessions are $250 per hour.
For seminars held within the Portland metropolitan area, a two-hour minimum charge applies.
For trainings held more than 50 miles from the Bureau's Portland headquarters, there is a four-hour minimum charge per day and a fee of $50 per hour to cover staff travel time. When an overnight stay is required, charges for meals and lodging at the state's per diem rate also apply.
Fees include training and materials for up to 50 participants.
Payment is required within 10 business days after confirmation of the training, or 10 business days before the training, whichever is sooner. A full refund of charges is available for cancellations 10 business days ahead of the seminar. For cancellations with less notice, 50 percent of the seminar charge is refundable.
Call 971-673-0824, to schedule your company's training session or for more information.

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