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Technical Assistance: Seminars
Complying with OFLA, FMLA, the ADA & State Disability & Injured Worker Laws
The Oregon Family Leave Act, the federal Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, injured worker laws, the Oregon disability law and the federal Americans With Disabilities Act have fundamentally altered how employers administer company leave programs. These laws are complex and often interrelated. Without proper training, managers can land in legal minefields, even when operating with good intentions. During this six-hour training session the speaker focuses on the legal requirements of each law, explains how they interrelate, and shows you how to see the "big leave picture" when considering a leave or reinstatement request.
Topics include:
  • Eligibility requirements
  • Qualifying leave "events"
  • How much time an employee may take
  • Use of paid leave
  • Notification requirements
  • Reinstatement
  • Company leave policies
  • Tracking Leave
  • Leave laws and attendance policies
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