Emerging Threats - Cold Boot: Is your data at risk? Learn More. Try our demo Download Business Case Whitepaper
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Protect Your Mobile Workforce with Total Endpoint Data Security.

Every time a laptop or PDA is lost or stolen, sensitive data can fall into the wrong hands — sometimes in a spectacular manner. It seems that every week features another embarrassed corporate or government official, admitting to the loss or theft of a laptop containing confidential data. And shame is the least of the concerns; expenses routinely reach the millions, given costs of lawsuits, data recovery, and lost productivity.

Keep your proprietary data from falling into the wrong hands.

Mobile Armor protects ALL your mobile data from loss or theft. Once your data is behind the Mobile Armor shield, NOBODY can access it without the proper passwords. Mobile Armor enables you to deploy a “defense in depth” strategy to protect your data behind multiple layers of impenetrable security.

Major government agencies are protected by Mobile Armor.

The Office of Management and Budget, U.S. Department of Defense, and U.S. General Services Administration have all agreed. Mobile Armor is a TOP choice to protect sensitive data. Karen Evans of the DoD-GSA team put it well:

"We remain vigilant in our efforts to strengthen security and improve our efforts to safeguard sensitive and personal information across the board."

Mobile Armor is the trusted source for the ultimate data protection for mobile devices, laptops, PDAs, and smartphones.

Now sensitive data is safe — anywhere, anytime.
The Department of Defense, GSA, and OMB award Mobile Armor a 5-year contract to protect sensitive data.