USDA Careers Natural Resources and Environment title banner
Photo of logging activities on the water

USDA People Make a Difference

Susan Skalski 
"We know that global warming and tropical deforestation make wise management of wilderness areas, rivers, and national forests very important. Our decisions will affect many generations to come."

Linda Rivero 
Civil Engineer
"We provide irrigation system design and concepts to farmers that they can't get from the private sector either because they are expensive or too advanced."

Natural Resources and Environment

We support a diverse ecology - our soil, water, and air, as well as our forests and range lands - and provide sound, scientific information to allow better resource management decisions. USDA needs people who are committed to action - people who want to apply their education and experience to making sure that all of us enjoy the benefits of productive soil, clean water, and everything that comes from healthy natural resources.

USDA: Careers With a Difference

USDA offers unparalleled career choices in fields such as archaeology, biological sciences, engineering, forestry, geology/hydrology, landscape architecture, mathematics/statistics, plant pathology/physiology, soil sciences/conservation, wildlife biology, and many more.

At USDA, You Can . . .

  • Analyze the environmental impact of proposed changes in land use or hazardous waste disposal.
  • Protect the environment by helping farmers and other rural landowners conserve energy, soil, water, and forest resources.
  • Improve the beauty and productivity of the forests.
  • Work in operating the largest Federal recreation program in the United States.

USDA Careers 

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