Title 5--Administrative Personnel



TEXT PDF734.101 Definitions.
TEXT PDF734.102 Jurisdiction.
TEXT PDF734.103 Multicandidate political committees of Federal labor organizations and Federal employee organizations.
TEXT PDF734.104 Restriction of political activity.
TEXT PDF734.201 Exclusion from coverage.
TEXT PDF734.202 Permitted activities.
TEXT PDF734.203 Participation in nonpartisan activities.
TEXT PDF734.204 Participation in political organizations.
TEXT PDF734.205 Participation in political campaigns.
TEXT PDF734.206 Participation in elections.
TEXT PDF734.207 Candidacy for public office.
TEXT PDF734.208 Participation in fundraising.
TEXT PDF734.301 Exclusion from coverage.
TEXT PDF734.302 Use of official authority; prohibition.
TEXT PDF734.303 Fundraising.
TEXT PDF734.304 Candidacy for public office.
TEXT PDF734.305 Soliciting or discouraging the political participation of certain persons.
TEXT PDF734.306 Participation in political activities while on duty, in uniform, in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties, or using a Federal vehicle.
TEXT PDF734.307 Campaigning for a spouse or family member.
TEXT PDF734.401 Coverage.
TEXT PDF734.402 Expression of an employee's individual opinion.
TEXT PDF734.403 Participation in elections.
TEXT PDF734.404 Participation in political organizations.
TEXT PDF734.405 Campaigning for a spouse or family member.
TEXT PDF734.406 Participation in political activities while on duty, in uniform, in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties, or using a Federal vehicle; prohibition.
TEXT PDF734.407 Use of official authority; prohibition.
TEXT PDF734.408 Participation in political management and political campaigning; prohibitions.
TEXT PDF734.409 Participation in political organizations; prohibitions.
TEXT PDF734.410 Participation in political fundraising; prohibitions.
TEXT PDF734.411 Participation in political campaigning; prohibitions.
TEXT PDF734.412 Participation in elections; prohibitions.
TEXT PDF734.413 Employees of the Federal Election Commission; prohibitions.
TEXT PDF734.501 Permitted and prohibited activities.
TEXT PDF734.502 Participation in political activity while on duty, in uniform, in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties, or using a Federal vehicle.
TEXT PDF734.503 Allocation and reimbursement of costs associated with political activities.
TEXT PDF734.504 Contributions to political action committees through voluntary payroll allotments prohibited.
TEXT PDF734.601 Employees who work on an irregular or occasional basis.
TEXT PDF734.701 General.
TEXT PDF734.702 Related statutes and Executive orders.
