National Center on Disability and Journalism
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Links are selected to assist in the classroom and with reporting. Please contact us with your suggestions.

Society for Professional Journalists has a rainbow rolodex ( that includes disability sources. Beth Haller wrote a mini guide to covering disability issues with lots of links at:

American Press Institute (API) Journalists Toolbox has an entire section on disability. The URL is: If this link does not work, go to the API web site and click on Journalists Toolbox. From there you can select "disability/accessibility resources" from the drop down menu

There are numerous resources on line, too many to list, but between the above suggestions, a few links listed below and the ability use a search engine including the word "disability" you're well on the way to information overload!

Journalism Education - Disability Focus

AEJMC Media and Disability Interest Group

Dart Center on-line Curriculum: Journalism & Traumatic Stress
"Click on curriculum to read about trauma, tips for interviewing effectively and sensitively, test your learning with the interactive quiz, watch experts discuss emotional injury."

Journalism Professor Beth Haller's Mass Media & Disability Links
Links to many areas within disability like news, Web accessibility, publications, international disability links, etc.

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Disability Bibliographies

AEJMC Media & Disability Interest Group
AEJMC M&DIG sponsors the Media and Disability Bibliography Project, (1930 to present). "The goal is a comprehensive listing. The project will not assess the validity or reliability of the research articles included; that will be for individual researchers to decide." maintained by Anthony Tusler
"This is an annotated bibliography of books organized by categories: Community/Culture, Disability Studies, Family, Children, & Relationships, History, Identity, Policy/Civil Rights, Children/Young Adults, and separate categories for Radio, Movies, WWW (Internet), Publications and Videos. The list is a compilation of recommendations from a diverse group of disability scholars and activists and other bibliographies. All of the entries illustrate an authentic view of disability using the new paradigm."

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Disability Demographics and Statistics

Census 2000
Fact sheet summary:
Center for Accessible Society Census 2000 analysis:

Chartbooks on Disability in the United States, from InfoUse:
Includes chartbooks on mental health and disability, women with disabilities, work and disability and disability in the U.S.

The Disability Statistics Center at the University of California at San Francisco
The Center produces and disseminates policy-relevant statistical information on the demographics and status of people with disabilities in American society. The Center's work focuses on how that status is changing over time with regard to employment, access to technology, health care, community-based services, and other aspects of independent living and participation in society.

Institute for Community Inclusion: State Data Online
This Web site generates customized charts of state, national, and individual disability data. Accessible text versions are automatically created by the charting software. The site currently includes data sets from state mental retardation/developmental disabilities agencies, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, the Social Security Administration, and the US Department of Labor.

National Organization on Disability (NOD)
Numerous Harris surveys of Americans with Disabilities.

National Rehabilitation Information Center (NARIC)
An abundance of disability and rehabilitation-oriented information organized in a variety of formats designed to make it easy for users to find and use.

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Disability Advocacy Organizations - Different Points of View
General Advocacy

American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD)
AAPD is the largest national nonprofit cross-disability member organization in the United States, dedicated to ensuring economic self-sufficiency and political empowerment for the more than 56 million Americans with disabilities. AAPD works in coalition with other disability organizations for the full implementation and enforcement of disability nondiscrimination laws, particularly the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Disability History Project
"The Disability History Project is a community history project. This is an opportunity for disabled people to reclaim our history and determine how we want to define ourselves and our struggles. People with disabilities have an exciting and rich history that should be shared with the world."

National Organization on Disability (NOD)
In addition to keeping you up to date on the National Organization on Disability's most recent developments, the N.O.D. Web site provides you with the latest in disability-related news, information and resources.

Assisted Suicide / End of Life

Not Dead Yet
Spearheaded by Coleman and Drake, they mobilize people with disabilities across the country to protest assisted suicide or ending the life of people with a disability who may not be able to speak for themselves.

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Independent Living

ADAPT - American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today
ADAPT is a national grassroots network that states: "There's no place like home, and we mean real homes, not nursing homes. We are fighting so people with disabilities can live in the community with real supports instead of being locked away in nursing homes and other institutions."

Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU)
The ILRU program is a national center for information, training, research, and technical assistance in independent living. Its goal is to expand the body of knowledge in independent living and to improve utilization of results of research programs and demonstration projects in this field. It is a program of The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research, a nationally recognized medical rehabilitation facility for persons with disabilities. One can easily find local independent living centers by state in their online directory.

International Exchange Program

Mobility International, USA (MIUSA)
Empowering people with disabilities around the world through international exchange and international development to achieve their human rights.

Parenting with a Disability

Through the Looking Glass (TLG)
TLG is a nationally recognized center that has pioneered research, training, and services for families in which a child, parent or grandparent has a disability or medical issue. TLG is a disability community based nonprofit organization, which emerged from the independent living movement.

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Violence and Disability

Center for Research on Women with Disabilities (CROWD)
The Center for Research on Women with Disabilities (CROWD) is a research center that focuses on issues related to health, aging, civil rights, abuse, and independent living. CROWD's purpose is to promote, develop, and disseminate information to expand the life choices of women with disabilities so that they may fully participate in community life. More specifically, researchers develop and evaluate models for interventions to address specific problems effecting women with disabilities. The violence section ranges in information from academic papers to resources, including information about a resource kit and 10 things Independent Living Center's can do to address violence. CROWD is located at the Baylor College of Medicine in Texas.

Women with Disabilities Australia (WWDA)
This Australian site has papers, articles and reports archived as well as links to related disability sites and general sites. They also have an extensive section for further reading.

Centers on Violence & Disability

Minnesota Center Against Violence and Abuse, Disabilities and Violence
An electronic clearinghouse on violence and abuse, their section on disability includes: articles and fact sheets, books and videos and references to institutions and organizations.

All Walks Of Life

They focus on prevention of violence to people with disabilities. They have established an Internet presence that includes a comprehensive Web Site on the topic of Violence to People with Disabilities. They also offer a moderated e-mail list.

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National Organization on Disability (NOD)
Conducted a Harris Interactive survey regarding and produced the article Barriers Restrict Voting by People with Disabilities.

Trace Research and Development Center
Assistive voting information and devices with great links for more information.

Assistive Technology & Universal Design

Trace Research & Development Center
Their mission is to prevent the barriers and capitalize on the opportunities presented by current and emerging information and telecommunication technologies, in order to create a world that is as accessible and usable as possible for as many people as possible.

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CAST is a not-for-profit education research and development organization that uses technology to make education more flexible and accessible for all students, especially those with disabilities.

US Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation

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Americans with Disabilities Act
Federal government's Web site that provides information and technical assistance regarding the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. The Department of Justice's Civil Rights division operates the site.

Disability Rights Advocates (DRA)
DRA is a national and international nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities. Operated by and established for people with disabilities, DRA pursues its mission through research, education, and legal advocacy. DRA's mission is to ensure dignity, equality, and opportunity for people with all types of disabilities throughout the United States and worldwide.

Disability Rights Education Defense Fund (DREDF)

Founded in 1979 by people with disabilities and parents of children with disabilities, the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund, Inc. (DREDF) is a national law and policy center dedicated to protecting and advancing the civil rights of people with disabilities through legislation, litigation, advocacy, technical assistance, and education and training of attorneys, advocates, persons with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities.

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International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
"Parallel" to the Olympics is the Paralympics.

Disabled Sports, USA
A national nonprofit, 501(c)(3), organization established in 1967 by disabled Vietnam veterans to serve the war injured. DS/USA now offers nationwide sports rehabilitation programs to anyone with a permanent physical disability. Activities include winter skiing, water sports, summer and winter competitions, fitness and special sports events.

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