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Last Modified: 9/6/2006  
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Phase III Randomized Study of Adjuvant Tamoxifen with vs without Ovarian Ablation in Premenopausal Women with Axillary Node-Negative Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer 3 cm or Less in Diameter (Summary Last Modified 03/98)

Alternate Title
Basic Trial Information
Entry Criteria
Expected Enrollment
Published Results
Trial Contact Information

Alternate Title

Tamoxifen and Ovarian Ablation in Treating Patients With Node-Negative, Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer

Basic Trial Information

Protocol IDs

Phase III





CLB-9494, NCCTG-933252, SWOG-9347, INT-0142, E3193


I.  Compare overall and disease-free survival and toxicity in premenopausal 
women with axillary lymph node-negative, hormone receptor-positive breast 
cancer measuring 3 cm or less randomized to adjuvant therapy with tamoxifen 
(TMX) alone vs. TMX with ovarian ablation.

II.  Obtain tumor tissue for future biologic studies of relevance to this 
patient population.

III.  Compare menopausal symptoms, sexual function, and quality of life in 
these patients.

Entry Criteria

Disease Characteristics:

Primary, invasive, adenocarcinoma of the breast, including the following
  Colloid                 Mucinous
  Ductal                  Tubular
  Lobular                 Papillary

Negative axillary nodes (at least 6 nodes sampled)

Complete resection required, as follows:
 Total mastectomy/lumpectomy with axillary node dissection
 No residual disease noted on the surgery and pathology reports

No evidence of disseminated disease on chest x-ray

Tumor in pathology section no greater than 3 cm in maximum diameter, including
invasive and intraductal components
 Size determined from the largest lesion with an invasive component

Hormone receptor status:
 Estrogen receptor and/or progesterone receptor positive
  Receptor positive defined as at least 10 fmol/mg cytosol protein or by 

Lumpectomy patients also must meet the following criteria:
 Tumor freely mobile and mammography confirms:
  No contact with the chest wall
  No involvement of the skin
  No multiple tumors
  No diffuse microcalcifications
 Radiotherapy planned within 12 weeks following surgery
  Brachytherapy at lumpectomy allowed

No contralateral breast cancer (mammogram required)

No prior invasive breast cancer
 History of intraductal carcinoma or lobular carcinoma in situ eligible
  provided patient is currently disease free

No sarcoma or lymphoma

No apocrine, adenocystic, or squamous cell histology

No locally advanced disease, e.g.:
 No fixed tumors
 No peau d'orange
 No skin ulceration
 No inflammatory breast cancer

Randomization within 84 days of definitive surgery required

Prior/Concurrent Therapy:

No prior systemic therapy for any cancer

Biologic therapy:
 Not specified

 No prior chemotherapy for breast cancer

Endocrine therapy:
 Up to 12 weeks of prior tamoxifen allowed
 No concomitant estrogen therapy

 Concomitant postmastectomy radiotherapy allowed

 See Disease Characteristics

Patient Characteristics:

 Not specified

 Women only

Menopausal status:
 Premenopausal, defined by 1 of the following:
  No more than 6 months since last menstrual period and no prior bilateral
  55 years or less with a prior hysterectomy provided:
   1 or both ovaries remain
   Estradiol level in normal premenopausal range

Performance status:
 Not specified

 Hematopoietic function adequate for surgery

 Bilirubin no greater than 1.5 times normal

 Renal function adequate for surgery

 Cardiac function adequate for surgery

 Health adequate for long-term follow-up
 No serious disease other than breast cancer
 No pregnant or nursing women
 Effective barrier or other nonhormonal contraception required of fertile

Chemistries to determine eligibility completed within 4 weeks prior to
randomization; imaging studies completed within 12 weeks prior to

Expected Enrollment

A total of 1,600 evaluable patients will be accrued over 4 years.  If after 2 
years accrual is below expectations, the study objectives, sample size, and 
feasibility of continuing will be reassessed.


This is a randomized study.  Patients are stratified by participating 
institution, hormone receptor status, tumor size, and method of ovarian 

Hormonal therapy must begin within 12 weeks of definitive surgery.  When 
planned, radiotherapy must be initiated within 12 weeks of surgery and may 
begin concurrently with hormonal therapy.

Patients in the first group receive oral tamoxifen daily for 5 years. 

Patients in the second group receive tamoxifen as above in addition to ovarian 
ablation.  Ovarian ablation may be accomplished with radiation to the pelvis 
over 2 weeks or medically with either leuprolide or goserelin every 4 weeks 
for 5 years.

Patients discontinue treatment for unacceptable toxicity or disease recurrence 
at any site.  All patients are followed every 6 months for 5 years, then 

Published Results

Hughes LL, Gray RJ, Solin LJ, et al.: Efficacy of radiotherapy for ovarian ablation: results of a breast intergroup study. Cancer 101 (5): 969-72, 2004.[PUBMED Abstract]

Robert NJ, Wang M, Cella D, et al.: Phase III comparison of tamoxifen versus tamoxifen with ovarian ablation in premenopausal women with axillary node-negative receptor-positive breast cancer ? 3 cm . [Abstract] Proceedings of the American Society of Clinical Oncology 22: A-16, 2003.

Trial Contact Information

Trial Lead Organizations

Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group

Nicholas Robert, MD, Protocol chair
Ph: 703-698-2302

Southwest Oncology Group

Silvana Martino, DO, Protocol chair
Ph: 310-582-7900

Cancer and Leukemia Group B

Debasish Tripathy, MD, Protocol chair(Contact information may not be current)
Ph: 415-885-3700

North Central Cancer Treatment Group

James Ingle, MD, Protocol chair
Ph: 507-284-8432

Note: The purpose of most clinical trials listed in this database is to test new cancer treatments, or new methods of diagnosing, screening, or preventing cancer. Because all potentially harmful side effects are not known before a trial is conducted, dose and schedule modifications may be required for participants if they develop side effects from the treatment or test. The therapy or test described in this clinical trial is intended for use by clinical oncologists in carefully structured settings, and may not prove to be more effective than standard treatment. A responsible investigator associated with this clinical trial should be consulted before using this protocol.

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