Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Performance Budget Submission for Congressional Justification

Table 4. FY 2005 Request by Budget Activity

Difference Between FY 2004 and FY 2005 Funding Levels for Selected Activities HCQO MEPS Program Support Total
Research and Training Grants

(Noncompeting Grants)
   (Noncompeting Patient Safety)
   (Noncompeting Non-Patient Safety)

(New and Renewed Grants)
   (New Patient Safety Grants)
   (New Non-Patient Safety Grants)






$0 $0 -$14,855,000




Non-MEPS Research Contracts and IAAs

   (Patient Safety Contracts)
   (Non-Patient Safety Contracts)



$0 $0 +$12,955,000


MEPS +$0 +$0 $0 +$0
Research Management +$1,900,000 $0 $0 +$1,900,000
Total Change +$0 +$0 +$0 +$0

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