* Phobos is .006 times the diameter of the Moon. [see page for the Moon]

* Phobos is 1.78 times the diameter of Deimos (a satellite of Mars).

* Phobos is .767 times the diameter of Telesto (a satellite of Saturn).

* Phobos is .687 times the diameter of Helene (a satellite of Saturn).

* Phobos is .253 times the diameter of Pandora (a satellite of Saturn).

* Phobos is .119 times the diameter of Janus (a satellite of Saturn).

* Phobos is .057 times the diameter of Mimas (a satellite of Saturn).

* Phobos is .045 times the diameter of Enceladus (a satellite of Saturn).

[Image of world] [Image of world]
Click on * for another comparison.