* The Moon is .273 times the diameter of Earth. [see page for Earth]

* The Moon is 1.09 times the diameter of Triton (a satellite of Neptune).

* The Moon is .958 times the diameter of Io (a satellite of Jupiter).

* The Moon is 2.16 times the diameter of Titania (a satellite of Uranus).

* The Moon is .513 times the diameter of the planet Mars.

* The Moon is 3.31 times the diameter of Tethys (a satellite of Saturn).

* The Moon is 8.84 times the diameter of Mimas (a satellite of Saturn).

* The Moon is 15.8 times the diameter of Phoebe (a satellite of Saturn).

* The Moon is .069 times the diameter of the planet Uranus.

* The Moon is 39.3 times the diameter of Pandora (a satellite of Saturn).

* The Moon is 0.03 times the diameter of the planet Saturn.

[Image of world] [Image of world]
Click on * for another comparison.