

93 Freeman, V., Slifkin, R., Patterson, D. Issues in Staffing Emergency Medical Services: Results from a National Survey of Local Rural and Urban EMS Directors. (2008). ORHP.

92 Radford, A., Mason, M., Richardson, I., Rutledge, S., Poley, S., Mueller, K., Slifkin, R. One Year In: Sole Community Rural Independent Pharmacies and Medicare Part D. (2007). ORHP.

91 King, J., Geiger, L., Silberman, P., Slifkin, R. State Profiles of Medicaid and SCHIP in Rural and Urban Areas. (2007). ORHP.

90 Schur, C., Cheung, K., Radford, A., Slifkin, R., Baernholdt, M. 340B Drug Pricing Program, Results of a Survey of Participating Hospitals. (2007). ORHP.

89 Patterson, P.D., Freeman, V.A., Moore, C.G., Slifkin, R.T.Becoming an Emergency Medical Technician: Urban-Rural Differences in Motivation and Job Satisfaction. (2007). ORHP.

88 Radford, A., Slifkin, R., Baernholdt, M., Schur, C., Cheung, K. 340B Drug Pricing Program, Results of a Survey of Eligible but Non-Participating Rural Hospitals. (2007). ORHP.

87 Radford, A., Slifkin, R., Fraser, R., Mason, M., Mueller, K. The Experience of Sole Community Rural Independent Pharmacies with Medicare Part D: Reports from the Field. (2006). ORHP.

86 Reiter, K., Slifkin R., Holmes, M. A Primer on the Occupational Mix Adjustment to the Medicare Hospital Wage Index. (2006). ORHP.

85 Silberman, P., Brogan, L., Moore, C., Slifkin, R.T. Premium Assistance Programs for Low Income Families: How Well Does it Work in Rural Areas? (2006). ORHP.

84 Freeman, V., Slifkin R.T., Skinner, A., Schwartz, R. Rural and Urban Parents Report on Access to Health Care for their Children with Medicaid Managed Care. (2005). ORHP.

83 Dalton, K., Park, J., Howard, A., Slifkin, R.T. Trends in Skilled Nursing and Swing-bed Use in Rural Areas, 1996-2003. (2005). ORHP.

82 Silberman, P., Rudolf, M., Brogan, L, Poley, S., Slifkin, R., Moore, C. The Impact of Medicaid Cuts on Rural Communities. (2005). ORHP.

81 Freeman, V., Walsh, J., Rudolf, M., Slifkin, R.T. Intensive Care in Critical Access Hospitals. (2005). ORHP.

80 Greene, S., Holmes, G., Slifkin, R.T., Freeman, V., Howard, A. Cesarean Section Patterns in Rural Hospitals. (2004). ORHP.

79 Mueller, K., Slifkin, R., Shambaugh-Miller, M., Randolph, R. Definition of Rural in the Context of MMA Access Standards for Prescription Drug Plans. (2004). ORHP.

78 Dalton, K., Slifkin, R.T. Rural-Urban Issues in the Wage Index Adjustment for Prospective Payment in Skilled Nursing Facilities. (2003). ORHP.

77 Silberman, P., Rudolf, M., D'Alpe, C., Randolph, R., Slifkin, R.T. The Impact of The Medicaid Budgetary Crisis on Rural Communities. (2003). ORHP.

76 Silberman, P., Poley, S., Slifkin, R.T. Innovative Primary Care Case Management Programs Operating in Rural Communities: Case Studies of Three States. (2003). ORHP.

75 Ricketts, T.C. Arguing for Rural Health in Medicare: A Progressive Rhetoric for Rural America . (2002). ORHP.

74 Dalton, K., VanHoutven, C.H., Slifkin, R.T., Poley, S., Howard, H.A. Background Paper: Rural and Urban Differences in Nursing Home and Skilled Nursing Supply. (2003). ORHP.

73 Randolph, R., Slifkin, R.T., Whitener, L., Wulfsberg, A. Impacts of Multiple Race Reporting on Rural Health Policy and Data Analysis. (2002). ORHP.

72 Pathman, D.E., Konrad, T.R., Schwartz, R. The Proximity of Rural African American and Hispanic/Latino Communities to Physicians and Hospital Services. (2001). ORHP.

71 Baer, L.D., Konrad, T.R., Slifkin, R.T. If fewer International Medical Graduates were allowed in the US, Who might replace them in rural areas? (2001). ORHP.

70 Dalton, K., Slifkin, R.T., Howard, H.A. Rural hospital area wages and the PPS wage index: 1990 - 1997. (2000). ORHP

WP68 Ricketts, TC. The Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program: Rapid Progress Toward Full Implementation. Sept. 10, 1999. ORHP

67 Dalton K; Slifkin R; Howard, H. At-Risk Hospitals: The Role of Critical Access Hospital Status in Mitigating the Effects of New Prospective Payment Systems Under Medicare. February 2000.

66 Slifkin R; Goldsmith L; Ricketts T. Race and Place: Urban-Rural Differences in Health for Racial and Ethnic Minorities. March 2000.

65. Slifkin R, Silberman P, Reif S. The Effect of Market Reform on Rural Public Health Departments. January 2000.

64. Reif S, Ricketts TC. The First Year of the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program. Winter1999 12 pp. ORHP

63. Ricketts TC, Vickers J and McEwan S. Family and Friends: Rural Health Policy in North Carolina.July 1998 38pp. ORHP

62. Ricketts TC, Johnson-Webb, KD, Taylor P. Definitions of Rural:
A Handbook for Health Policy Makers and Researchers.
(July 1998) ORHP

61. Slifkin RT, Freeman VA, Ostermann J, Ricketts TC. Data needs for monitoring changes in maternal and child health status in rural communities. October 1997 17pp. ORHP

60. Clark SJ, Randolph RK, Savitz LA, Ricketts TC. A quantitative profile of rural maternal and child health .October 1997 24pp. ORHP

59. DesHarnais S, Reif S, Bernard S, Randolph R. Final Report: Effects of rural hospital closure on access to care: data analysis. July 1998 18 pp. ORHP

58. Reif S, DesHarnais S, Bernard S. Effects of rural hospital closure on access to care: case studies. May 1998 15pp. ORHP

56. Slifkin RT, Popkin B, Dalton K. The impact of Medicare graduate medical education funding on rural hospitals. June 1998 19pp. ORHP

52. FB52.Stearns SC, Slifkin RT, Walke T. Using the Medicare current beneficiary survey for analysis of rural health policy issues. Dec. 1997 20pp. ORHP

51. Silberman P, Slifkin RT, Popkin B, Skatrud J. The experience and consequences of medicaid managed care for rural populations. July 1997 27pp. AHCPR

50. Emery S, Whitener LB. The issue is not geography: health care markets and the diffusion of telemedicine. Draft. June 1997 10pp. ORHP

49. Ricketts TC, Randolph R, Howard HA, Pathman DE, Carey T. Do ambulatory sensitive condition admission rates identify access problems in rural and urban areas? Draft. June 1997 29pp. ORHP

48. Ricketts, TC, Johnson-Webb, KD. What is "rural" and how to measure "rurality": a focus on health care delivery and health policy. February 1997. 45 pp.

47. Alexander, JE, Ricketts, TC. Assessing managed care preparedness in rural community-based practices in North Carolina. December 1996. 34 pp.

46. Slifkin, RT, Taylor,DH, Morgan,T, Ricketts, TR. Urban/Rural Differences in the Likelihood of Health Professional Shortage Area Designation in Counties With Large Minority Populations. November 1996.

45. The diffusion of telemedicine in the southeastern United States. June 1996. 55 pp.

44. Rural healthcare providers and the law: An issue brief February 1996. 7pp.

43. Adolescent pregnancy study focuses on rural youth: Rural teen pregnancy as prevalent as urban. [RAPP Project Executive Summary.] January 1996. 7 pp.

42. Bennett TA, DeClerque JL, Guild PA, Schectman R. An analysis of metro-rural differences in fertility indicators for women in US DHHS Region IV with special emphasis on rural adolescents. July 1995. 29 pp.

41. DeClerque JL, Pedulla NL, Guild PA, Bennett TA. Data sources for research on rural adolescent pregnancy: An evaluability assessment. June 1995. 17 pp. + appendices.

40. DeClerque JL, Russell-Brown P, Macintyre K. The costs of adolescent pregnancy: Public and private resources and public policies related to adolescent pregnancy in rural areas. June 1995. 22 pp.

39. Taylor DH, Ricketts TC. Examining alternative measures of underservice for rural areas: Executive summary. August 1995. 14 pp.

38. Ricketts TC, Slifkin RT, Johnson-Webb KD. Trends in HMO penetration in rural areas. May 1995. 14pp.

37. Ricketts TC, Tropman SE, Slifkin RT, Konrad TR. Migration of obstetricians-gynecologists into and out of rural areas, 1985-1990. March 1995. 26pp.

36. Ricketts TC, Woods S. Rural Hospital-Based Residency Programs: A preliminary evaluation of the Rural Health Medical Education Demonstration Project. December 1994. 48pp.

35. Joines JD, Taylor DH, Garrett JM, Ricketts TC, Carey T. Urban/rural differences in care-seeking for adults with acute severe low back pain. December 1994. 21pp.

34. Taylor DT, Ricketts TC, Kolimaga JT, Howard HA. The measurement of underservice and provider shortage in the United States: A policy analysis. December 1994. 54pp. + appendices.

33. Slifkin RT, Ricketts TC, Howard HA. The potential effects of managed competition: Consumer choice in rural areas. September 1994. 28pp.

32. Savitz L, Ricketts TC, Gesler WM. The potential influence of maternal employment on obstetrical health care seeking behavior across the rural-urban continuum. September 1994. 30pp.

31. Kolimaga JT, Konrad TR, Ricketts TC. Uses of FQHC revenue for physician recruitment and retention. June 1994. 23pp.

30. Taylor DH, Ricketts TC, Kolimaga JT. Defining underservice and physician shortage areas in historical and future contexts. June 1994. 40pp.

29. Teplin S, Kushner C. Physician life and practice in underserved communities: Guidance for State Offices of Rural Health. March 1994. 49pp. + appendices.

28. Millard P, Konrad TR, Goldstein A, Stein J. North Carolina primary care physicians' opinions on access to health care and health care reform. June 1993. 17pp.

27. Millard P, JP Cegielski, A Silver. Changes in tuberculosis incidence trends: North and South Carolina, 1980-1992. June 1993. 18pp.

26. Ricketts TC, Lambrew JM. Executive summary: The future of the small rural hospital; A policy review for the Milbank Memorial Fund. April 1993. 10pp.

25. Bader JD, Scurria MS, Shugars DA. Comparing indicators of access to oral health care in rural and urban populations. April 1993. 16pp.

24. Kolimaga JT, Konrad TR, Ricketts TC. Federally-subsidized and private physician practices: An exploratory analysis of non-economic competition in rural communities. November 1992. 25pp.

23. Gupta GC, Konrad TR. Allied health education in rural Health Professional Shortage Areas of the United States. June 1992. 13pp.

22. Cohn SE, Mohr JE, Klein JD, van der Horst CM, Weber DJ. Migration of HIV-infected patients to North Carolina: An emerging rural phenomenon. June 1992. 21pp.

21. Kushner C, Lambrew J. The Warren Health Institute: Integrating scarce community resources to serve the disadvantaged. May 1992. 24pp.

20. Monroe AC, Aldrich TE, Ricketts TC, Cooper MR. Proximity to state-of-the-art cancer care and stage at diagnosis. North Carolina, 1988. February 1992. 21pp.

19. Taylor DH, Ricketts TC, Berman JL, Langholz R. A response to the professional liability crisis: The first three years of North Carolina's Rural Obstetrical Care Incentive Program. November 1991. 80pp.

18. Fondren LK, Ricketts TC. North Carolina Obstetrics Access and Professional Liability Study: Final report. October 1991. 140pp.

17. Monroe AC, Ricketts TC, Savitz LA. Cancer in rural versus urban populations: A review. September 1991. 28pp.

16. Lambrew J. North Carolina hospitals: Utilization trends by urban-rural location and size, 1980 through 1989. September 1991. 15pp + appendices.

15. Kushner C. Our community hospital: The evolution of a primary care hospital. September 1991. 24pp.

14. Fondren LK, Ricketts TC. North Carolina Obstetrics Access and Professional Liability Study: Research summary. September 1991. 24pp.

13. Ricketts TC, Konrad TR, Pathman DE, Cromartie EP. Rural primary care programs: A longitudinal study of their organization and environments. June 1991. 61pp.

12. Kushner C. The feasibility of health care cooperatives in rural America: Learning from the past to prepare for the future. May 1991. 34pp.

11. Fondren LK, Watterson MK, Ricketts TC. Tort reform and access to obstetrical care: The proposed North Carolina birth impairment fund. September 1990. 21pp.

10. Holt S. AIDS in rural America: Research and educational issues. May 1990. 17pp.

9. Kushner C. The Hot Springs Health Program: A case study. January 1990. 24pp.

8. Kushner C. Roanoke Amaranth Community Health Group, Inc.: A case study. January 1990. 24pp.

7. Ricketts TC. Financing primary care in rural America: A research agenda for the Health Care Financing Administration. December 1989. 17pp.

6. Ricketts TC. Competition and rural primary care programs. December 1989. 38pp.

5. Seipp C. Rural health care in historical perspective. November 1989. 20pp.

4. Langholz R, Ricketts TC. Access to obstetrical services in rural communities: A response to the liability crisis in North Carolina. November 1989. 40pp.

3. Rutledge R, Bell E, Baker CC, Ricketts TC. A geographic and statistical analysis of the effects of rural and urban residence on trauma deaths in North Carolina. October 1989. 32pp.

2. Petit L, with Osborne D. Rural hospital closure: One hospital's tactics for survival. October 1989. 10pp.

1. Hartye J, Ricketts TC. A proposal for the North Carolina agricultural and rural occupational medicine program. October 1989. 8pp.

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