US Under Secretary of State John Rood


Proliferation Analysis

Venezuela: A Nuclear Profile

By Nima Gerami and Sharon Squassoni

Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has spoken of developing nuclear energy since at least May 2005, but few have taken him seriously. Argentina and Brazil have, for the most part, rebuffed his requests for nuclear cooperation. Yet recent signals of interest by Russia and France may indicate the possibility of nuclear exports to Venezuela, if declining oil prices do not undermine Venezuela's ability to pay. No matter what, all nuclear suppliers should exercise caution as long as Chávez perpetuates his antagonistic role in the region, defiance of international norms and, in particular, efforts to cultivate a closer Venezuelan-Iranian relationship.

U.S. Nuclear Forces in Europe to Zero? Yes, But Not Yet

By Oliver Thränert

"Global Zero" has become a well-known slogan to revive the decades-old idea of eliminating all nuclear weapons. Interest in abolition has been renewed by the concern that, in a world with an increasing number of nuclear-armed countries, the use of this most destructive weapon could become ever more likely. With nuclear deterrence we bought time, but it would be a tremendous mistake to believe that deterrence will always work.

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