Figure 8. Percent of Adults Refusing Selected Treatments in Hypothetical Health Scenarios of Coma with a Chance of Recovery or a Persistent Vegetative Statea (Text Description)

Percent of adults refusing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 55.
Percent of adults refusing cardiopulmonary resuscitation for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 83.

Percent of adults refusing mechanical respiration for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 55.
Percent of adults refusing mechanical respiration for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 80.

Percent of adults refusing intravenous fluids for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 51.
Percent of adults refusing intravenous fluids for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 77.

Percent of adults refusing artificial nutrition for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 60.
Percent of adults refusing artificial nutrition for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 80.

Percent of adults refusing blood transfusion for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 53.
Percent of adults refusing blood transfusion for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 81.

Percent of adults refusing antibiotics for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 49.
Percent of adults refusing antibiotics for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 76.

Percent of adults refusing renal dialysis for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 57.
Percent of adults refusing renal dialysis for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 80.

Percent of adults refusing major surgery for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 61.
Percent of adults refusing major surgery for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 83.

Percent of adults refusing minor surgery for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 56.
Percent of adults refusing minor surgery for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state:80.

Percent of adults refusing simple diagnostic procedures for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 48.
Percent of adults refusing simple diagnostic procedures for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 70.

Percent of adults refusing complex diagnostic procedures for hypothetical health scenario of coma with a chance of recovery: 55.
Percent of adults refusing complex diagnostic procedures for hypothetical health scenario of a persistent vegetative state: 78.

aSample included adult outpatients of primary care physicians and members of the general public.
Source: Emanuel LL, Barry MJ, Stoeckle JD, et al. Advance directives for medical care—a case for greater use. N Engl J Med 1991;324(13):889-95.

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