USDA Forest Service

Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest


Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie
National Forest

2930 Wetmore Ave.
Suite 3A
Everett, WA

(425) 783-6000
(800) 627-0062


(206) 470-4060

United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service.

Recreational Activities

Home : Recreational Activities : Activities : Scenic Hikes

Scenic Hikes

Mt. Baker Highway - State Route 542
Check the Trail Guide for detailed information about individual trails.

Trail Name Description
Skyline Divide - Trail #678 A moderate to steep trail climbs surrounded by firs and meadow areas. The trail then opens to a large meadow with wondrous views of the north glaciers of Mt. Baker.
Gold Run Pass (Tomyhoi Lake) - Trail #686 The trail climbs and switchbacks through trees and meadows opening to a basin. Views from the meadow basin include Mt. Baker, Shuksan, and Yellow Aster Butte.

North Cascades Highway - State Route 20
Check the Trail Guide for detailed information about individual trails.

Trail Name Description
Sauk Mountain - Trail #613 On a clear day, the Sauk Mountain trail offers hikers a sweeping view of the Skagit River Valley towards North Cascades snow-clad peaks.

Mountain Loop Highway
These trails are accessed via the Mountain Loop Highway from either Darrington or Verlot. Check the Trail Guide for detailed information about individual trails.

Trail Name Description
Barlow Point -
Trail #709
The main trail skirts the foot of a large outcrop of volcanic rock. A series of gentle switchbacks brings the hiker to the crest of the ridge, which burned in the Buck Creek fire early in the century. The summit is reached at the site of the Barlow Point Lookout, which has excellent views of the South Fork Sauk and South Fork Stillaguamish valleys.
Dickerman Mountain -
Trail #710
This trail ends at the summit of Dickerman Mountain ending at the 5723 foot summit. Views are spectacular in all directions. Blueberry patches, wildflowers, blazing fall colors.
Mt. Pilchuck -
Trail #700
This trail travels along the edge of an old clearcut and continues on through exposed rocky areas eventually ending at the lookout. Beautiful views can be seen from here of Puget Sound, lowlands, San Juan Islands.
North Lake -
Trail #712.1
The trail proceeds uphill very steeply through switchbacks until reaching a ridge. The views are spectacular.
Deer Creek - Kelcema Lake - Trails #717 & #718 This 23 acre lake sets in a subalpine setting and the views are quite spectacular.
Lost Creek Ridge - Trail #646 The trail has numerous switchbacks, wide views of peaks, alpine lakes and a long ridge of green meadows making it one of the prettiest areas in the Glacier Peak Wilderness. Once reaching the ridge along Lost Creek, the trail becomes a matter of following boot tread, blazes and cross-country travel, however the going is fairly easy and spectacular.
Meadow Mountain - Trail #657 The trail climbs gradually before coming out at one of the meadows. The meadows on this trail are reported to be some of the prettiest in the Glacier Peak Wilderness. Spectacular views of Mt. Pugh and Glacier Peak.
Mt. Pugh -
Trail #644
The trail travels through deep forest before reaching 3.5-acre Lake Metan. The trail continues on reaches timberline at Stujack Pass. Excellent views can be found from here.
North Fork Sauk - Trail #649 This trail begins in a rain forest climbing through avalanche tracks, following the river. Numerous switchbacks make for a hard climb ending at the Pacific Crest Trail. Splendid views and alpine meadows make it well worth the effort.
Red Mountain - Trail #651 This seldom used trail leads through an old growth forest with magnificent large trees to the site of an old fire lookout. Views are spectacular.

Suiattle River Road (Forest Service Road #26)
Check the Trail Guide for detailed information about individual trails.

Trail Name Description
Buck Creek Pass - Trail #789 This trail is within the Glacier Peaks Wilderness leaving the Pacific Crest Trail at Miners Creek and ending up on the Chiwawa River on the Wenatchee side. This is a hard hike climbing up to the pass, passing through meadows, numerous switchbacks and crossing ridge tops. Views from the pass are spectacular.
Green Mountain - Trail #782 The trail climbs upward through old growth timber before breaking out into some of the prettiest meadows on the district. The trail passes 2 small lakes and eventually ends at the Green Mountain Lookout. Views are spectacular.

Skykomish Area - US Highway 2
Check the Trail Guide for detailed information about individual trails.

Trail Name Description
Barclay Creek - Trail #1055 This trail meanders along the course of the Barclay Creek until reaching Barclay Lake. The trail provides easy hiking with little elevation gain. Good views of the north face of Baring Mountain can be had from the lake. Expect weekends to be crowded.
Evergreen Mountain Lookout - Trail #1056 From the lookout, views on a clear day include Glacier Peak, Mt. Rainier, and a 360 degree vista of surrounding peaks. The trail is noted for wildflowers, scenery, and sighting of wildlife. Evergreen Mountain was used during wartime as an aircraft warning station.
Johnson Ridge - Trail #1067 The trail begins in an abandoned logging and burned area and climbs the ridge into timber leveling off along the ridge top near Sunrise Mountain. Trail descends and climbs to Scorpion Mountain and descends to Joan Lake. Great scenery and wildflowers.
North Fork Skykomish River - Trail #1051 Trail is in open forest and clears to large meadows several times before final ascent to Dishpan Gap, junction with Pacific Crest National Scenic Trail #2000, and Bald Eagle Mountain Trail #650. Entrance to Glacier Peak Wilderness lies just north of Dishpan Gap (excellent views). One mile further north on Trail #2000 is the incredibly beautiful Meander Meadow area with excellent vistas of surrounding peaks and wildflowers.
Tonga Ridge -
Trail #1058
This ridge trail is best during the week when less crowded or when huckleberries have ripened in the fall. The trail starts in second growth timber at 4,300 feet and climbs gently to 4,800 feet at mid-point passing through open hillsides and meadows. Excellent views.
West Fork Foss Lakes -
Trail #1064
The West Fork Foss valley is outstanding in its abundance of fine scenery and alpine lakes. All of Foss Lakes area is heavily traveled; expect weekends to be crowded. Best time would be mid-week and in the fall.

Interstate 90
Check the Trail Guide for detailed information about individual trails.

Trail Name Description
Source Lake Overlook -
Trail #1013
This trail traverses steadily up a valley through forests and avalanche chutes, arriving at a spectacular vista of Source Lake and the surrounding peaks.
Lodge Lake - Pacific Crest Trail #2000 The trail heads south from Snoqualmie Pass, across open ski slopes that offer good views to the north before cresting the hill and dropping into the forest.

Mather Memorial Parkway - State Route 410
Check the Trail Guide for detailed information about individual trails.

Trail Name Description
Sourdough Gap - Pacific Crest Trail #2000 This portion of the Pacific Crest Trail heads north through alpine meadows for 3 miles to Sourdough Gap, on the crest of the Cascade Mountains. Alpine wildflowers and spectacular views of Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, and Mount St. Helens.
Noble Knob - Trail #1184 From Corral Pass, this trail passes through silver fir forests and open sub alpine parkland for 4 miles to Noble Knob. From here you can see alpine wildflowers and outstanding views of Norse Peak Wilderness and the northern mountain ranges.
Clear West Peak - Trail #1181 This high elevation trail features a dry beargrass opening with scree and talus slopes surrounded by silver fir/mountain hemlock stands. Wonderful view of Mt. Rainier and surrounding area, including the West Fork White River Valley and floodplains.

USDA Forest Service - Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest
Last Modified: Friday, 26 October 2007 at 17:08:32 EDT

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