Project WET Banner

The mission of Project WET is to reach children, parents, educators, and communities of the world with water education. We invite you to join us in educating children about the most precious resource on the planet – water.

Children learn by doing. Click here to see how Project WET activities engage students with hands-on, interdisciplinary lessons that teach important concepts about water.

Project WET is committed to global water education that is implemented at the community level. Click here to find out how to attend a Project WET workshop in your community.

Project Webfoot:
Learn about our new wetlands education program in partnership with Ducks Unlimited.

kids participating in the incredible journey water cycle activity during a make a splash festival

News & Events

Project WET Creates Water Education Materials for Students and Teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa

Project WET Publication Addresses Arizona Governor’s Call for Statewide Water Conservation

Ducks Unlimited, Project WET Partnership Reaches Children with Wetlands Education

Nestlé Waters North America and Project WET Award Ten $1,000 Grants to U.S. Educators (Read More.)