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Denosumab May Help Prevent Bone Loss

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Special Topics

Treating and Preventing Cancer with Vaccines
(Posted: 06/23/2004, Updated: 06/12/2006) - Cancer vaccines are being tested in clinical trials to see if they can help to prevent or treat a wide variety of cancer types. This feature provides an introduction to cancer vaccines - how they work and why researchers think they're promising.

What Is Randomization?
(Updated: 08/03/2004) - A randomized, controlled trial is considered the most reliable and impartial method of determining what medical interventions work the best.

Which Study Results Are the Most Helpful in Making Cancer Care Decisions?
(Posted: 06/12/2003) - This article explains why a randomized, controlled clinical trial is considered the gold standard in cancer research.

Access to Investigational Drugs: Questions and Answers
(Reviewed: 11/19/2004) - A fact sheet that defines investigational drugs (drugs under study but not yet FDA approved) and describes the special conditions under which patients and their doctors can apply to receive these treatments. National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet 7.46

Understanding the Approval Process for New Cancer Treatments
(Posted: 12/30/1999, Updated: 01/06/2004) - A look at how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration relies on the results of clinical trials to ensure the safety and effectiveness of new cancer treatments before they go on the market.

Cancer Imaging
Imaging techniques - methods of producing pictures of the body - have become an important element of early detection for many cancers.

Boosting Cancer Trial Participation
(Posted: 04/21/2003, Updated: 02/28/2006) - A collection of material about the barriers keeping people from participating in cancer clinical trials.

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