Cotton Storage Agreement Skip repetitive navigation links.
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Commodity Operations
Cotton Storage Agreement






Jan 16, 2007 - The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Announces an Interim Loan Cotton Transfer Process effective starting Jan 22, 2007

Dec 19, 2006 - This notice announces Amendment 2 to the Commodity Credit Corporation's (CCC's) Cotton Storage Agreement. This amendment alters the agreement that regulates the storage of CCC interest and commercial cotton in warehouses throughout the United States.

Oct 13, 2006 - Correction to Final Rule 7 CFR Parts 1421 and 1427 - Grains and Similarly Handled Commodities-Marketing Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments for the 2006 Through 2007 Crop Years; Cotton

Aug 30, 2006 - Final rule 7 CFR Parts 1421, 1423 and 1427 - Storage, Handling, and Ginning Requirements for Cotton Marketing Assistance Loan Collateral

Jul 25, 2006 - Final rule 7 CFR Part 1423 Correction - Standards for Approval of Warehouses for Storage of CCC Commodities

Jun 22, 2006 - Final rule 7 CFR Part 1423 revising the regulations covering the storage of commodities owned by the Commodity Credit Corporation.

Jun 19, 2006 - Correction to Final rule 7 CFR Part 1421- Grains and Similarly Handled Commodities-Marketing Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments for the 2006 Through 2007 Crop Years; Cotton

Jun 6, 2006 - Final rule 7 CFR Parts 1421 and 1427 - Grains and Similarly Handled Commodities-Marketing Assistance Loans and Loan Deficiency Payments for the 2006 Through 2007 Crop Years; Cotton


Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) enters into Cotton Storage Agreements (CSA) with private individuals and companies to allow warehouse operators to store cotton owned by CCC or pledged as security to CCC for marketing assistance loans.

Warehouse operators wanting a Cotton Storage Agreement are encouraged to review the regulations and guidelines and agreement documents.

To be approved to store CCC-owned or loan cotton, warehouse operators must:

  • Submit an application to the Storage Contract Branch, Kansas City Commodity Office (KCCO).

When a warehouse is approved, CCC adds the warehouse to a List of Approved Cotton Warehouses which is provided to local FSA offices. Producers must store commodities in warehouses on this listing to obtain warehouse-stored marketing assistance loans.

The Approved Cotton Storage Agreement Warehouse listing is located in the Cotton Online Processing System (COPS). Follow these instructions once you are at the COPS logon page.

  • Click on the Guest Logon button unless you have an active User ID or Password
  • Click on Warehouse Home located under Home Pages
  • Click on CCC Approved Warehouses located under Online Lists

Regulations & Guidelines

The Standards for Approval of Warehouses for Cotton and Cotton Linters are contained in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 7 - Agriculture, Part 1427-Cotton.

  • General statement and administration. (1427.1081)
  • Bonding requirements for net worth. (1427.1083)
  • Approval of warehouses, requests for reconsideration. (1427.1086)
  • Contract and application and inspection fees. (1427.1088)
  • OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to Paperwork Reduction Act. (1427.1089)



  • Warehouse operators use this form to enter into a Cotton Storage Agreement to store CCC-interest cotton.

  • Warehouse operators use the form as an amendment to the Cotton Storage Agreement to store CCC-interest cotton.

  • Warehouse operators use this form as an amendment to the Cotton Storage Agreement to store CCC-interest cotton.

  • Warehouse operators use this form as an amendment to the Cotton Storage Agreement to store CCC-interest cotton.

CCC-823-1A - Schedule of Rates (All except certain areas of Texas)
  • Used when the warehouseman meets all net worth requirements and the warehouse provides adequate protection for CCC-owned cotton, KCCO sends the warehouseman the CSA (CCC-823 and amendments as applicable)

CCC-823-1T - Schedule of Rates (Texas counties with early growing season)
  • Used when the warehouseman meets all net worth requirements and the warehouse provides adequate protection for CCC-owned cotton, KCCO sends the warehouseman the CSA (CCC-823 and amendments as applicable)

  • Contains the required certification and standard clauses applicable to warehouse operators with a storage agreement to store commodities for CCC.

  • Highly Erodible Land and Wetland Conservation - Declaration of Eligibility to Receive Storage Payments Under a CCC Storage Agreement

  • This form is used by warehouse operators to apply for a Cotton Storage Agreement to store CCC-owned or loan cotton.

  • This form explains who is authorized to sign contractual documents for the company.

  • This form authorizes individuals not listed under KC-1233-A to sign contractual documents.

  • This form is used by warehouse operators to provide tariff information for their Cotton Storage Agreement (CSA).

  • This form is used to obtain banking information to process Disbursements by ACH/EFT.

  • This form is used by Warehouse operators to disclose lobbying activities pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1352.

WA-51 - Financial Statement - updated 10/17/03
  • This form is used to determine warehouseman eligibility or continued eligibility for a USWA license or a CCC storage contract by preparing this financial statement.

  • This form is used to succeed ownership of the warehousing business to another warehouse operator, with agreement of the Commodity Credit Corporation.

  • This form is used to transfer all rights and interest in ownership from one warehousing company to another, with agreement of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC).


Contact Information

USDA - Kansas City Commodity Office
Commodity Management Division
Storage Contract Branch
Beacon Facility - Stop 8748
P. O. Box 419205
Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6205

Telephone: 816-926-6662
Fax: 816-926-1426 or 816-823-1804

Express Mail Address:
USDA - Kansas City Commodity Office
Commodity Management Division
Storage Contract Branch
Beacon Facility - Stop 8748
9240 Troost Avenue
Kansas City, Missouri 64131-3055
Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Last Modified: 7/28/2008

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