United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs

VA Office of Policy and Planning

Frequently Asked Questions

Background Information on MA/BPR

1. What is MA/BPR?

MA/BPR is a program to improve effectiveness and efficiency of support functions in order to continually improve services to veterans and their families.  Using tools such as Management Analysis (MA) and Business Process Reengineering (BPR), specific studies across VA will examine how functions are currently performed, explore new ways to do business, and implement changes to improve performance.     

MA/BPR offers a structured and adaptable approach for:

  • Looking at current performance in selected functional areas;
  • Implementing leading business practices;
  • Tracking and reporting performance results; and
  • Sharing lessons learned and success stories.

2. What does VA hope to accomplish through this program?

MA/BPR will enable VA to better meet the evolving needs of veterans and their dependents by reinvesting resource savings achieved into programs with critical needs, such as direct patient care.  MA/BPR will also improve VA’s ability to recruit, develop, and retain a competent, committed and diverse workforce through proactive planning that minimizes adverse impact employees over time.

3. How does MA/BPR support the agency’s mission?

MA/BPR will help VA further its mission of serving veterans by providing a systematic approach to continually improving the efficiency and effectiveness of functions selected for study.  Studies will generate smarter, more efficient, and more cost effective ways of working.  Savings from these efficiencies can then be reinvested into critical programs and services that directly touch veterans and their families. 

4. Isn’t VA still doing competitive sourcing?

No.  VA is prohibited from conducting certain cost comparisons with the private sector under Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-76 unless funds are specifically appropriated for that purpose.  As a result, VA’s competitive sourcing program is currently on hold.  However, MA/BPR strengthens the position of studied functions to compete should the prohibition be lifted.  

Source: 38 USC 8110(a)(5).


5. How exactly is “A-76” different from MA/BPR?

OMB Circular A-76 defines a formal process for competitive sourcing in the Federal Government.  This means the circular requires that the in-house workforce directly compete with industry using a mandated approach.  This typically involves the formal development of a Government in-house Most Efficient Organization (MEO) that is competed against private sector offerors.  The Circular also provides for the possibility of developing a High Performing Organization (HPO) that becomes exempt from competition for a prescribed period of time under a binding performance agreement.  Because these competitive sourcing procedures are on hold, MA/BPR cannot result in competition with the private sector. MA/BPR is focused on improving services and reinvesting resources, and does not mandate how VA conducts each study, nor does it prescribe a preferred outcome.  Administrations and staff offices can be innovative in their approach and flexible in their planning to minimize the adverse impact on employees. 

6. There are a number of other improvement initiatives ongoing across VA.  Why do we need MA/BPR?

VA has a culture of continuous improvement.  Each of the Administrations and many staff offices have embarked on a number of improvement initiatives; however, there is no standardized process for conducting, documenting, and reporting such initiatives VA-wide.  MA/BPR provides a standard approach for systematically implementing performance improvement initiatives and tracking their success.  At the same time, each VA component will have the flexibility to determine how to adapt the tools available through MA/BPR to study specific functions.

MA/BPR Program Implementation

7. What are the possible outcomes of a MA/BPR study?

MA/BPR studies may generate improvements to services through a variety of leading business practices including investments in technology, changes in processes and procedures, better integrated workforce planning, and the reorganization of responsibilities.

Potential benefits include:

  • Identification of resources for reinvestment into critical services to veterans; and
  • Savings through gains in effectiveness and efficiency

Potential study outcomes include:

  • Improved performance by current organization such as:
    • Improved quality
    • Improved timeliness, and/or
    • Reduced costs;
  • Reengineered in-house processes such as:
    • Realignment of work
    • Reorganization
    • Implementation of new or updated systems;
  • Documentation of process and performance improvements already achieved prior to the study;
  • Teaming arrangements with private and/or other government entities; and
  • Cooperative public-private agreements.

The MA/BPR process does not involve contracting out or privatization.  Other VA management processes, such as capital asset decision making, may lead to such outcomes.  Data collected during the course of an MA/BPR study will be generally available for VA management use and could therefore possibly be used at some time to support these processes and other quality improvements.
8. How will functions be selected for analysis as part of the MA/BPR initiative?

Management within the Administrations or staff offices will select the functions to be studied and determine how to apply MA/BPR.  The MA/BPR efforts will initially be focused on functions designated as non-core to the VA mission.  VA senior leadership will be provided with recommendations as to functions proposed for study, and will approve functions and any significant changes to study planning.

9. How will Administrations and staff offices be involved in the MA/BPR initiative?

An MA/BPR working group has been established with cross-functional representation.  Selected representatives of Administrations and staff offices will be involved in all facets of the MA/BPR process from developing policies and procedures to communicating the status of new or ongoing initiatives and evaluating performance results.  The MA/BPR program will be tailored to the unique nature of each Administration and staff office; collaboration amongst key stakeholders will be critical to program success.

Workforce Impact

10. How might employees benefit from MA/BPR?

Depending on type of MA/BPR study conducted, employees may benefit from:

  • Opportunities to apply innovative business practices within a more manageable, employee-oriented framework;
  • Opportunities to participate in the design of process improvements;
  • New or greater roles and responsibilities more closely aligned with the core agency mission; and
  • Opportunities to acquire continuing education and new skills.

11. How will employees who perform the work provide input to each MA/BPR study?
Employees from the function to be studied will play a key role in the process.  They may be asked to participate on a team as functional/subject matter experts, provide information about how the work is done currently, and/or identify ways to improve it. 

12. How might employees be affected as a result of a study?

The nature of the impact will vary on a study-by-study and case-by-case basis.  One goal of the program is to minimize the adverse impacts of studies on employees.

Potential consequences of a study could include:

  • Changes in responsibilities;
  • Relocation and/or reassignment; and
  • Retraining.

13. How will information be disseminated to VA workforce?

Various communication methods will be employed throughout the MA/BPR process including:

  • official letters
  • memorandum
  • FAQ updates
  • newsletters
  • VAnguard articles
  • in-person briefings
  • open forum/town hall meetings
  • working sessions
  • training
  • VA website
  • consultations (e.g., with union representatives)
  • electronic bulletins
  • e-mails

For further information please contact John Corso at 202.273.5927 or send e-mail to john.corso@va.gov .