Library Rules and Copyright Warning Notice
Required Reading Before Proceeding is a specialized online public library operating according to Australian rules. Its contents are intended to assist people studying health, nutrition, holistic agriculture and related areas. It offers books for free download that are protected by copyright. None of these copyrighted materials are legally owned or controlled by Soil and Health Organization. Consequently permissions cannot be granted for further distribution of anything downloaded from this site. Public domain materials have no copyright protection. The copyright status of all materials is plainly indicated.

Legally, an Australian library may supply an electronic copy of an entire out of print book that is still protected by copyright for purposes of study if the book is not in print. An small portion (either 10% of the total page count or one chapter, which ever is larger) may also be provided of a copyrighted book that is in print. However, further reproduction and dissemination of copyrighted materials supplied to patrons of this Library is prohibited by international copyright agreements. Periodically the retail availability of out of print books offered here is rechecked. Should one of our titles become restored to retail sales, the title must immediately be removed from this library. Should any user of this library know of any copyrighted "out of print" book offered in the library that is in print please advise Steve Solomon.

In this library there are offered some short excerpts of copyrighted books that currently are in print. If any client of our library discovers that one of these titles has gone out of print, please inform Steve Solomon. It is our ambition to eventually have all the titles on our lists available in full text without requiring any forms or minor annoyances while complying with legal requirements. This will happen if only the library can continue long enough.

By clicking the first link below, the patron of this library is stating that they have read the above information and agree to respect the copyrights of the owners of any materials found within.

I agree to respect the library and the copyrights within it: Take me to the library.    I disagree: Exit the library