NAMI Rhode Island - The State's Voice on Mental IllnessNAMI Rhode Island - The State's Voice on Mental Illness
NAMI Rhode Island - About NAMI RI
NAMI Rhode Island - Support Programs
NAMI Rhode Island - Education Programs
NAMI Rhode Island - Advocacy
NAMI Rhode Island - Events and Meetings
NAMI Rhode Island - Donating to NAMI RI
NAMI Rhode Island - Contacting Us

NAMI RI - Support, Education & Advocacy
25th Anniversar
NAMI RI Announcements

NAMI Rhode Island Is On A Mission!

How often have you heard - “What is NAMI?” The truth is, the majority of the people in our communities haven't heard about the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). If people don't know about us, they can't access the wonderful education, support and advocacy programs we have to offer.

NAMI-RI is on a mission! We want to increase our recognition. In fact, we want to be recognized as the 1st resource for people struggling with mental illness.

Will you join us in our 3rd annual NAMI Walk? We want support from all facets of our communities--Psychiatrists, consumers, family members, therapists, health centers, hospitals, etc. This is a chance to really reach out and let people know about all the resources NAMI provides in our communities and encourage them to join the NAMI-RI mission.

If we can increase our membership by 20 percent or more, we will be more visible in our local communities and across the state! We sincerely hope you will join us in working to make NAMI Rhode Island a household name!

  For details on events see the EVENTS page

4th - NAMI Walks - More | Poster
Nami walks 08

7th - Annual Conference "Bridging the Gaps"

Contact NAMI RI
  Local: 401-331-3060
Toll Free: 800-749-3197

Study Looks at Treatment Resistant Depression
Initial results from NIMH study measure effectiveness of depression treatment.


October 4th

New! Donate Online!

Bike 4 Mental Health
Bike 4 Mental Health
Support NAMI RI
NAMI RI Director's Desk

MESSAGE from the Director

Welcome to the Official Website of NAMI Rhode Island. The mission of NAMI Rhode Island is to educate the public about mental illness; to offer resources and support to all whose lives are touched by mental illness; to advocate at every level to ensure the rights and dignity of those with mental illness; and to promote research in the science and treatment of mental illness.

NAMI Rhode Island is a grassroots, volunteer organization of individuals and organizations who have joined together to improve services for persons who are diagnosed with mental illness.

Call for Clippings!
We're looking for clippings! Send us your articles and news on mental illness issues and NAMI.

R.I. State Ratings Report
The 2008 report is coming soon! Check back for details.

Affiliates & Support Groups
Contact the affiliate in your area or call our office for information about the NAMI RI support group that meets your needs.