2008-2009 General Catalog, California State University, Fresno.

You are in the official 2008-2009 General Catalog
for California State University, Fresno.

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Department of Viticulture and Enology
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Photo of viticulture students making Fresno State wine.

College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Department of Viticulture and Enology
HELEN CHRISMAN, Administrative Support Coordinator
Viticulture and Enology Research Center
2360 E. Barstow Ave, M/S VR89
FAX: (559)278-4795


B.S. in Enology

B.S. in Viticulture

M.S. in Viticulture and Enology

Certificate of Special Study in Enology

Certificate of Special Study in Sustainable Viticulture

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In their fields of specialization, faculty members hold advanced degrees from leading universities in the United States. They bring a wealth of basic and practical information into the classroom. Faculty work with each student to plan and design an individualized program of study that meets the student's educational and career objectives. Faculty members are involved in research and public service through the Viticulture and Enology Research Center, one of four centers in the California Agricultural Technology Institute. The center offers excellent opportunities for students to gain experience by participating in applied research projects that address and help solve problems faced by California's grape and wine industries.

Robert L. Wample, Chair

Sayed A. Badr
Kenneth C. Fugelsang
Sanliang Gu
Roy J. Thornton

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The Department

It is the goal of the Department of Viticulture and Enology to be a world class center of excellence that can effectively meet the needs of students and the broader community. The department offers courses in viticulture and enology. Each degree integrates viticulture and/or enology offerings with the basic sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, mathematics, physics) and management skills to build a well-balanced foundation.

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Academic Excellence

Universities in California are recognized both nationally and internationally as the educational leaders in enology and viticulture. California State University, Fresno is one of only two universities in the country to offer a full program of study in enology. California State University, Fresno was also the first to establish a commercial winery in the United States. The viticulture program at Fresno State has received a National Award for Excellence in Agricultural Technology Instruction from R.J. Reynolds Industries Inc.

The formation of the new department has been greeted with enthusiasm by the viticulture/wine industry. It is anticipated that graduates will be able to choose from many exciting, well-paying careers. To discuss career opportunities available in this field, call the department office and schedule an appointment to meet with a faculty adviser.

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Mandatory Advising

It is the policy of the department that every student see his/her assigned adviser at least once during the academic year.


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